Though these are caricatures, everyone has some such picture of the family and societyinmind when they talk about family decline and the loss of innocence.
Only a kind of religious faith in the ability of the human mind to represent the fabric of society mathematically could have led to such confidence in these models.
No matter how staunch and defined your feelings may be when it comes to regulating guns, or your desire to see these weapons disappear altogether from our society, somewhere in the back of your mind you must recognize that those who are passionate in their support of gun ownership do possess a few points grounded in both logic and law that support their position.
But a read of them does give a glimpse into Keyes' mind, apparently describing how it felt to take a life and the disdain in which he held much of American society.
The latter is a terrible reality to contemplate, but much worse would be a truly dystopian societyin which allegedly noble government figures would lock up potentially unhinged people with our safety inmind.