Sources are also predicting a tightening of the qualifications required to set up as a child minder.
How quickly the elements of the Minder plan will be implemented remains an open question.
The Minder initiative would give shareholders wide power in shaping how Swiss companies pay executives and board members.
Within seconds, a minder rushed over to say that I was forbidden to conduct any interviews on the premises.
Claudio Kuster, secretary of the Minder Initiative, said the EU's decision helped persuade Swiss voters to support the referendum.
In Britain a senior politician who may have offended Irish nationalists can have the comfort of an armed minder.
In Wales, the maximum number of children a child minder can care is six children under eight years of age.
In the company of an Egyptian military driver-translator-minder-handler, I traveled all over the place: Cairo, Alexandria, El Alamein, Suez and more.
"If my initiative is approved, there will be a revolution in corporate annual general meetings, " Mr. Minder said in an interview.
Adoption of the Minder rules will affect all companies listed in Switzerland.
The Minder Initiative is much tougher than those in most other countries.
The referendum in Switzerland caps an emotional four-year effort by Thomas Minder, a businessman turned politician who has campaigned against excessive executive compensation.
"We are delighted at the result, and especially the level of support, which we didn't expect, " said Mr. Kuster, the Minder Initiative secretary.
Switzerland's proposals, developed by lawmaker Thomas Minder, have drawn fierce criticism from the country's business community, including the influential Economiesuisse and Swissmem lobbies.
She then heard the minder telephone for assistance and say, 'You're going to have to get back here - Lucas has gone mad'.
Especially with a finance-ministry minder next to him, Mr Fukui may now have his work cut out to preserve the central bank's independence.
Ms Bond told the court she had seen the animal's minder trying in vain to hold on to him before the horse broke away.
In other words, it's something to turn on to divert your infant for a few moments, but it is not intended as a replacement child-minder.
According to the Institute of Public Policy Research (IPPR), the current childcare ratio in England limits one child minder to looking after three children under the age of two.
As the patience of our Superdome minder started to wane, I asked Ms. Mullen, the senior psychic, whether she believes the Superdome is haunted by meddlesome spirits.
This image brings back memories of the first time she was tailed by a government minder, and of the ways in which travel experiences can confound our expectations.
Meanwhile, Eagles' net-minder Mark Cavallin is back with the Giants.
Adil and Khadija, in their "ihram, " headed for the Grand Mosque to perform their pilgrimage rites, Mohammed and the minder settled themselves into our rooms at the Hilton.
The reforms are the brainchild of Swiss businessman-turned-politician Thomas Minder.
"Those belonged to the school's security guards, " said a minder.
It seems unlikely that Iraqi scientists will spill the beans in interviews with the inspectors: so far, none has even consented, or been allowed, to talk without a minder.
Our minder had joined the prayers in the lobby, and could not come to our rescue as the official had decided to pounce in the middle of the prayers.
The crew huddled defiantly in the corner until the last ritual of the prayer was performed, and our minder came rushing over to explain our status to the security guard.
Parking Minder: If the driver happens to forget where they parked the car, the Parking Minder function helps find it by sending the location of the vehicle to the driver's phone.
ENGADGET: Google and Kia partnership will bring Google Maps and Places to new cars this year
Mr. Minder's message, which he has delivered for more than four years, has fallen on fertile ground, particularly since the government was forced to bail out UBS, the country's largest bank, in 2008.