And today more and more leaders are learning to do so through the practice of mindfulness meditation.
The Drucker School of Management and Wharton Business School both offer instruction in mindfulness meditation as a leadership development discipline.
Those in the mindfulness intervention group participated in mindfulness meditation and daily exercises designed to cultivate an accepting, non-judgmental attitude to momentary experiences.
FORBES: Tired, Stressed Out, Need A break? Recognize It But Don't React
Gaetan Louis de Canonville practises mindfulness meditation in Richmond, south London.
For committed meditators, cultivating this wisdom of seeing clearly is at the very heart of the mindfulness meditation practice that trains us to step out from behind the curtain of our restless minds and touch life directly, getting a full, authentic measure of our experience beyond self-deception and impulsiveness.
Insight Timer is an app for meditation and mindfulness practice available for iOS and Android.
Managing emotions is a huge part of sports training on which athletes spend a considerable amount of time, energy and money through a variety of techniques, from yoga and meditation to mindfulness.
Surely anything that aids more meditation, more mindfulness, more turning inwards, more spirituality is good.
When he began giving these patients an 8-week course in yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, he saw a remarkable improvement.
He advocates a secular form of meditation known as mindfulness-based stress reduction, which has become popular in some forms of behavioral therapy.
The most common type of meditation recommended by doctors and used in hospital programs is called Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, which was devised at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.