Sometimes they stare mindlessly at the CNN Airport Network or sit with glazed eyes in a boring meeting.
Instead, after much delay and speechifying, Congress mindlessly extends the subsidies en bloc.
FORBES: Is House Review Of Tax Breaks A Donation Shakedown, Or Could We See Reform?
The old delivery systems could be relegated to utilities, mindlessly ferrying data packets from one node to the next.
They got the name because every year or so, like clockwork, Congress mindlessly continues them for another year or so.
Currently, he sees skepticism in both gold and technology, indicating to him that the crowd has not yet mindlessly jumped into either rally.
This work examines the Olympic message of peace-through-athletic-competition by taking up the media through which that message has been mindlessly publicized ad nauseum.
FORBES: Why Banksy Deserves An Olympic Gold More Than Usain Bolt
This is a far better objective than ideologically, and perhaps almost mindlessly, bolstering financial institutions by relying on economic models that are no longer applicable.
State licensing laws mindlessly emphasize time spent -- usually years -- taking teacher-education courses, yet there is little correlation between certification requirements and effectiveness in the classroom.
By mindlessly but automatically slashing spending or raising taxes across-the-board, they permit Congress to avoid setting national priorities though, last I looked, this is why lawmakers are here.
If it is important enough for you to post a Rest In Peace message, then you must take time to really connect with the message, rather than mindlessly posting it.
Sometimes, I mindlessly find myself logging on to Facebook and staring at photos I have posted of my children when I just as easily could be staring at the real thing.
Instead of sitting on the couch mindlessly watching sitcoms, individuals can engage with others in online communities, collaborate on open sourced projects, and contribute to knowledge platforms like Wikipedia and Quora.