Infrastructural works such as the construction of ports, dredging, pipelines and oil or mineral extraction may also damage sites.
Subsidies to agricultural production, energy and mineral extraction, in particular, need to be reviewed in terms of both trade distortions and sustainability.
The Elimination of Double Subsidies for the Hard rock Mining Industry Act takes on depletion allowances for mineral extraction based industries.
Very few of Africa's economies have been able to transform themselves from colonial-era mineral extraction and agriculture to a more diversified industrial base.
The prospect of mineral extraction in the Bamiyan Valley, both the challenges and opportunities it could provide, were also discussed in the context of sustainable development.
And the Environmental Audit Committee is looking at "protecting the Arctic" (at 2.15pm) after the government rejected calls for stricter controls on oil drilling and mineral extraction.
These included the protection of the wildflower meadow at Ducklington Mead Site of Specific Scientific Interest (SSSI) and suggestions for the use of the site once mineral extraction has finished.
Yet Katanga has enjoyed relative peace in recent years, in large part thanks to the province's popular governor Moise Katumbi, a billionaire Roman Abramovich-esque character who has regulated the region's previously chaotic natural mineral extraction and bankrolled TP Mazembe in the process.
Vahldiek mixes in a little cattle farming and mineral and oil extraction to help pay the bills.
It would work on improving advances in mineral exploitation and extraction, the company said.
We do discover new mineral resources, we do develop new extraction technologies, which make larger amounts of mineral resources available to us.
As the extraction of the seemingly endless tundra's hidden wealth of mineral reserves has become increasingly lucrative, fresh plans for a massive expansion in mining and smelting operations by giant companies has emerged.
Abandoned veins in mineral-rich countries have become viable again and despite the relatively steep extraction costs, a miniature gold rush might be under way in Britain, too.
ECONOMIST: The high price of gold is encouraging miners to dream
Alberta, Canada is site of the world's largest extraction operations from oil sands, heavy earth laden with bitumen, a hydrocarbon-rich mineral.
The oil and gas law, West said, is intended to ensure extraction of the maximum amount of oil and gas from a large area, protect the mineral rights of multiple landowners, and prevent waste of the resource.