His post, within the Justice Ministry, replaces the previous post of integration minister within the Home Affairs Ministry - a shift which critics claim brings the issue of integration in the sphere of criminal justice.
It could be the sort of job that appeals to a former Police Minister, magistrate, ex-Cabinet Minister and member of the Commons home affairs committee.
But former Labour minister Keith Vaz, now chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, said the idea was "unworkable, impractical and also discriminatory" and said it had gone down badly when he raised it in India in the late 1990s.
Suddenly Anwar, 49, was deputy prime minister, finance minister, acting prime minister, acting home affairs minister and -- most significant -- acting president of the dominant United Malays National Organization (UMNO).
But relations with the ANC worsened to such an extent that a row over new immigration regulations earlier this year ended with the bizarre spectacle of President Thabo Mbeki taking his home affairs minister to court.
BBC: NEWS | Africa | Buthelezi: South Africa's 'Master brinksman'
Reports on Friday suggested that Mr Mugabe might have agreed to let the MDC take the key post of finance minister, but that he would not give it home affairs.
After hearing of Mr Warcup's decision, Home Affairs Minister Senator Ian Le Marquand, told the States he was "extremely disappointed that the delay and subsequent politicisation of the process" had resulted in his decision to leave Jersey Police.
BBC: Jersey's Acting Police Chief David Warcup to quit force
Graham Power was suspended in November 2008 by former Home Affairs Minister Andrew Lewis, based on his handling of the historic child abuse inquiry.
BBC: Review says 'no conspiracy' to oust Jersey police chief
The island's home affairs minister said he was currently looking at introducing some form of legislation to help the reservists.
BBC: Jersey Territorial Army reservists 'need job protection'
The number of missing people could not be confirmed, Australia's Home Affairs Minister Jason Clare told reporters.
Home Affairs Minister Senator Ian Le Marquand said there was currently no clear line of political responsibility.
They said they were unhappy with the home affairs minister's behaviour in a recent debate about the Prison Board of Visitors.
Prisoners in the Isle of Man's jail have been making their own alcohol, according to the home affairs minister.
Among the leaders of this more progressive faction, says Budiman, are Defense and Security Minister Edi Sudrajat and ex-Home Affairs Minister Rudini, a former general with strong links through the ranks.