• The government suffered a third defeat as peers voted by 171 to 120, majority 51, in favour of Labour peer and former health minister Lord Warner's amendment to delay the implementation of the bill's provisions until ministers had commissioned an independent review into their affordability and laid the results before Parliament.

    BBC: Government defeated over free home care plans

  • Earlier, Labour peer and former health minister Lord Warner accused ministers of "throwing all the organisational cards up in the air" by getting rid of SHAs before financial challenges to NHS had been dealt with.

    BBC: Labour loses bid to delay SHA abolition

  • Later, Labour peer and former Health Minister Lord Warner spoke in support of greater competition in the health service.

    BBC: Health and Social Care Bill part two

  • At 11.00 am Labour's former cabinet minister Hazel Blears leads a debate on the mental health of veterans and at 12.30 the Conservative MP Caroline Dinenage opens a debate on the proposal for an Arctic Convoy Veterans Medal.

    BBC: Viewing guide: The pick of the week ahead in Parliament

  • Labour's peers, Lord Warner, a former health minister, and Lord Patel of Bradford, have amendments down on the holy grail of health policy: the integration of health with social care - removing the barriers that keep people in expensive hospital beds, when they may be better looked-after in care homes.

    BBC: Week ahead in Parliament

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