Chief Insp David Minty, Sgt Lawrence Courtness and Det Insp Louis Beghin were cleared of any wrongdoing.
Proud's character is said to be self-possessed and a little snobbish, with a low opinion of his mother's boyfriend, Minty.
Some studies tested blends of valerian with other herbs, such as lemon balm, a minty plant purported to be calming, she adds.
You go to login on a new machine, and you realize that your minty fresh browser has no recollection of your Facebook password.
Ms Rayes' husband is behind these creations - from a new baklava flavour with notes of honey and crumbled pastry in the mix to a minty After Eight.
Since then it has also been announced that Minty Peterson, played by Cliff Parisi, taxi driver Charlie Slater (Derek Martin) and student Libby Fox (Belinda Owusu) are also being written out.
"We all stood at half time peering out of the curtains, working out where everybody was, " said Hatty Preston, who had all the show's best comedic lines as Minty, a ditzy PA on a reality TV show.
Here's the premise of "Newlyweds: The First Year": Four couples allow a production team inside their minty-fresh marriages to chronicle all the trials and tears over sex and fabric patterns that are sure to ensue during the next 12 months.
It's not that Sprint's AIRAVE is minty fresh -- as a matter of fact, individuals in Indianapolis and Denver were able to pick one up last September -- but the device is brand new to the rest of the nation.
In other news, this week we were surprised to learn that cleaning your teeth with seaweed can be better than toothpaste. (It won't give you that minty-fresh aftertaste, though.) We also had our minds blown by this incredibly detailed Death Star made from a single ping pong ball.