Trinity Mirror's main national titles are the Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror and The People.
Earlier this month London police arrested a former reporter for Trinity Mirror's Daily Mirror newspaper on suspicion of bribery.
Much of Ramachandran's work since developing mirror therapy has focused on mirror neurons.
BBC: What phantom limbs and mirrors teach us about the brain
Compared with making a rigid mirror, making a liquid mirror is a picnic.
British media reports suggest it may have come from the photo archive of the Mirror or Sunday Mirror newspaper.
The copper-alloy mirror is similar to the Portesham Mirror - already part of the museum's collection - which was acquired in 1994.
In May, the group sacked Richard Wallace and Tina Weaver, the editors of the Daily Mirror and Sunday Mirror respectively, and merged the titles into a seven-day operation.
As some of you may know, there are not one but two Snow White movies coming out this year: Snow White and the Huntsman and Mirror, Mirror.
Trinity Mirror, which owns Mirror Group, has declined to comment.
Trinity Mirror, owner of the Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror, The People and more than 100 regional titles, has reported a 65% fall in profits this morning, says the Guardian.
It was equipped with a 3.5m mirror - the largest monolithic mirror ever flown - and three state-of-the-art instruments sensitive to long wavelengths of light, in the far-infrared and sub-millimetre range (55 to 672 microns).
All day at work I thought of nothing but those shining surfaces, like coins catching the sun, and when I came home I went from mirror to mirror, striking poses, turning my head from side to side.
The group, which publishes the Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror, The People, Daily Record and Sunday Mail, as well as 160 local and regional newspapers, has struggled to cope with falling circulations and the transfer of classified advertising to the internet.
As I passed from mirror to mirror slanted against the house, I could see different parts of me: my shoes and pant cuffs, my belt and the bottom of my shirt, my sudden whole shape in the tall mirror, my swinging hand.
Lloyd Embley, editor of the Mirror and Sunday Mirror, said the papers were offered a set of pictures of the duchess in her bikini a week ago but, as with the pictures of Harry, they took the decision not to publish them.
There were three other mirrors in the house: the mirror over the sink in the upstairs bathroom, the mirror over the sink in the downstairs half bath, and the small circular mirror with a wooden handle that hung on a hook beside the upstairs-bathroom window.
The other publications named in the report are: the Sunday Mirror, Daily Sport, The People, Daily Mail's Weekend Magazine, Sunday Express, The Sun, Closer magazine, Sunday Sport, Mail on Sunday's Night and Day, News of the World, Daily Express, Sunday Business News, Daily Record, the Express' Saturday, Sunday Mirror Magazine, Real Magazine, Daily Mirror Magazine, Mail in Ireland, Daily Star, Marie Claire, Personal Magazine and Sunday World.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | 'Illegal snooping' papers named
Mirror: If you need to replace a mirror, consider swapping in a smaller one.
The claims made in 2008 in the Sunday Mirror, the People and on the Daily Mirror website have been withdrawn by owner MGN.
The mirror-less camera builds on its forbears, phasing out the mirror-based optical viewfinder of the SLR camera and adding an interchangeable lens mount, while keeping the light-weight feel of the compact camera.
In the early going, scientists placed a mirror on the ground outside the elephant's cage, but the mirror was (unsurprisingly) much smaller than the largest of land animals.
Hubble, too, was built by Lockheed, but its own near-fatal flaw, an improperly shaped mirror which crippled the telescope for three years, was the fault of the mirror's manufacturer, Perkin-Elmer.
The police didn't name the journalists, but a Trinity Mirror spokesman confirmed that one was Justin Penrose, a crime reporter for the Sunday Mirror tabloid.
Iacobani explained that when one tells a purposeful story in the room, face to face, they evoke the mirror neuron system of their listener to feel what they are feeling in their tell and thus mirror the same intentions.
The ultimate aim is for Nico to use a mirror to interpret objects around it, in the same way as humans use a rear-view mirror to look for cars.
Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) responded when the first man looked upon me and saw beauty, he only saw a mirror of himself, and when the second man came and stated I was hideous he too saw a mirror of himself.
FORBES: 'Innocence of Muslims' Now With 10 Million Views Worldwide
Karlberg set up a one-way mirror in a storefront over a year-long period, taking pictures of strangers as they looked at themselves in the mirror.
FORBES: Through The Looking Glass: Portraits Taken Through a One-Way Mirror
Hick's mirror has subtle curves, giving the driver a field of view of about 45 degrees, compared with 15 to 17 degrees of view in a flat driver's side mirror.
CNN: Disco ball-inspired mirror gets rid of driver's blind spot
Dr Iacoboni discovered that the mirror neurons involved in grasping the intentions of others are in part of the right hemisphere that corresponds to Broca's area in the left hemisphere, and both also correspond with mirror-neuron sites in monkeys.
Lily Collins, star of the movie Mirror Mirror, has been cast as Juliet.