No matter the structure, there still will be tensions, competition for resources, and misalignment.
The chapter on Thailand lays out the evidence of exchange-rate misalignment and booming domestic credit.
Misalignment has many faces: style, atmosphere, values, priorities, budgets, and objectives, to name a few.
Financial services companies were identified as the poster children for misalignment, but others were singled out as well.
The "house edge" lies in the misalignment between the promised payout and the inherent odds of the game.
Misalignment is actually a symptom of a larger, more systemic problem plaguing companies.
The misalignment is a result of companies decentralizing their talent, yet centralizing their talent management and human resources (HR) organizations.
It has turned education from an investment into speculation, causing a misalignment between what students study and what prospective employers demand.
This misalignment of incentives, together with strong investor demand for securities with high yields, contributed to the weakening of underwriting standards.
In a bid to limit the misalignment, hard drive makers are producing software that ensures 512 sectors line up with 4K ones.
If you see your job as pushing for less spending vs. the rest of the team spending more, then resolve that misalignment.
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Rewards for a stock-price decline "should be balanced against the potential misalignment with shareholder value, " Diebold said in its latest proxy statement.
The severity of the big toe's misalignment is what surgeons rely on to decide on the type of surgical approach to take.
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Its chief executive, Gerald Corbett, argues persuasively that blame for poor performance is at least in part due to the misalignment of financial incentives.
It rolls too far over and creates knee and hip misalignment.
The popular culprit to blame is sales and marketing misalignment.
The problems include binocular rivalry, visual interference and phoria, a latent deviation or misalignment of the eyes that appears when both eyes are no longer looking at the same object.
Lastly, the G7 commitment to prevent exchange rate misalignment following the prolonged financial crisis in emerging markets has prompted policy initiatives to create a loose target-zone regime among the dollar, yen and euro.
The Liberator fired a standard .380 handgun round without visible damage, though it also misfired on another occasion when the firing pin failed to hit the primer cap in the loaded cartridge due a misalignment in the hammer body, resulting in an anti-climactic thunk.
FORBES: Meet The 'Liberator': Test-Firing The World's First Fully 3D-Printed Gun