Weir took over when Ferguson was stripped of the captaincy after misbehaviour while with Scotland.
Groups that investigate government misbehaviour say their efforts are now being hampered by English libel law.
ECONOMIST: Are English courts stifling free speech around the world?
Prosecutors like to justify what they do by pointing to how it deters future misbehaviour.
As a result, employers are now legally liable for yet another form of employee misbehaviour.
This should enable them to deal with misbehaviour on the day it occurred, Mr Gibb said.
Hmmm: there is only a very tenuous link between voting arrangements and the misbehaviour of MPs.
However, that came after Allan McGregor was disciplined along with Ferguson for misbehaviour while on Scotland duty.
NjuriNceke recently advised youths of Meru against misbehaviour during post election violence in Kenya at the beginning of 2008.
The question of how responsible British firms are for the misbehaviour of contractors in other countries has been clarified.
ECONOMIST: A long-delayed anti-bribery law will soon come into force
Mr Wormald had said that if claims of misbehaviour had been upheld, he would have brought this to the attention of ministers.
BBC: Gove 'not informed of bullying adviser claim', MPs told
What happens if the rumoured details of Mr Clinton's misbehaviour in that same Oval Office become common knowledge rather than Internet tittle-tattle?
Alberto Contador joined the Astana team, which was then barred from this year's race because of its doping misbehaviour at last year's Tour.
ECONOMIST: The Tour de France is hoping to beat the drug cheats
During Post election violence in Kenya at the beginning of 2008, NjuriNceke was very instrumental in calming the youths of Meru against misbehaviour.
"The vast majority of schools are very safe places and it is a small minority of pupils that are involved in more serious misbehaviour, " he said.
The committee's original aim was to focus on media misbehaviour.
ECONOMIST: Media and the law: Publish, perish, protest | The
That said, other banks cannot revel in UBS's discomfiture, given that most of them have been tainted by the scandal of their mis-selling and misbehaviour in the boom years.
The court heard that Farrow, 48, of no fixed address, was sent home from his first day at school for misbehaviour, and that his mother was unable to control him.
The sanctions for misbehaviour were not credible: to threaten a deficit-ridden country with huge fines is like chastising a man hanging on to a cliff by treading on his fingers.
Believe it or not, I have worked with young people, and have loved every minute, but I now hate this attitude that is permeating our society where parents condone their offspring's misbehaviour.
It is therefore less concerned at Iraq's misbehaviour, argue some American and European officials, than it is about receiving American assurances before any council vote that its commercial interests will be taken into account.
ECONOMIST: Time for Iraq to disarm peacefully is fast running out
Rangers manager Walter Smith had been forced to name a makeshift line-up with seven players missing through injury and Barry Ferguson and Allan McGregor still under a club suspension for their misbehaviour while with Scotland.
The result is that Mr Clinton is accused of three things: sexual misbehaviour, perjury (assuming that he denied such conduct in his testimony to Mrs Jones's lawyers last weekend) and suborning perjury by Miss Lewinsky.
There were "untrue statements related to misbehaviour", which included: ''If you don't behave, I will call the police, " and: "If you don't quiet down and start behaving, the lady over there will be angry with you.
As for Mr Chirac's alleged misbehaviour, it dates from his 18-year tenure as mayor of Paris, from 1977 to 1995, when the public-works kickbacks were apparently divided between all the main political parties, including even the Communists.
The BBC understands that the request prompted Rolls-Royce to bring in a legal firm to conduct an internal investigation earlier this year, which uncovered potential misbehaviour in other countries as well as the two named by the SFO.
Finding a governing formula by which legitimate civilian authorities in the capital, Bamako, can extend their remit throughout the country will be no easy task, and will not be helped by reports of misbehaviour and executions by Malian troops.
According to Zulaie Cobra, the member of the judicial-reform committee in the lower house of Congress who presented the latest proposals this week, the first priority should be to set up a new body to investigate allegations of corruption and other misbehaviour by judges.
Now, for the avoidance of doubt, there is a trend here - which is that every big British bank is struggling to keep control of the costs of fines and compensation relating to a great variety of forms of sloppy practices and misbehaviour in the boom years.
But yours is a newspaper which has traditionally thrived on stories of sex, sexual misbehaviour, and isn't there a view that this, you know, your sanctimoniousness, if I may put it that way, on issues like this doesn't sit very well with the kind of record, with the kind of background your newspaper has.