• Several administration officials said earlier Tuesday that Obama's letter suggested that Russia could have a role in reducing Iran's nuclear threat, and therefore could dissuade the United States from going forward with its plans to establish a missile base in Poland and a radar facility in the Czech Republic.

    CNN: Obama downplays letter to Russia regarding nuclear Iran

  • But what Poland wants, especially if the missile-defence base is cancelled, is practical preparations, such as regular manoeuvres, and fuel and ammunition stockpiles.

    ECONOMIST: The Atlantic alliance is waning in Europe��s east

  • Mr Sikorski has also been playing high-stakes poker with America, demanding money for military modernisation, and high-tech defences for Warsaw, in return for hosting a missile-defence base.

    ECONOMIST: Poland's politics

  • This examines what would happen if an independent Scotland insisted on the immediate removal of the Trident nuclear missile submarines from their base on the Clyde.

    BBC: Week ahead

  • The most deadly attack on American forces in the Gulf war occurred when a Scud missile fell on a supply base in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.

    ECONOMIST: Military technology

  • Such a missile is being developed at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, and will soon be tested at the White Sands Missile Range.

    ECONOMIST: Electromagnetic weapons

  • The explosion occurred as about 400 U.S. military personnel are moving Patriot missile defense equipment to a Turkish base as part of an effort to defend the country from possible attack from Syria.


  • By contrast, the Bush Administration has formulated a Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) that envisions maintaining the effectiveness of the U.S. nuclear stockpile by retiring older weapons and modernization, restoring the critically important nuclear industrial base and introducing anti-missile and other defenses against nuclear attack.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Kerry��s nuclear nonsense

  • The land-based anti-missile rocket is to be launched from Kwajalein Atoll in the Pacific in hopes of destroying a modified Minuteman missile fired into space 20 minutes earlier from Vandenberg Air Force Base, 4, 300 miles (6, 880 kms) away in California.

    CNN: US - Critics blast U.S. anti-missile system on eve of key test

  • The Trident missile system, Britain's nuclear deterrent, is carried by submarines based at the Faslane naval base on the Clyde, near Helensburgh.

    BBC: Protesters march against Trident in Glasgow

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