Officers investigating missing persons cases extracted DNA from his teeth and found a match on the missing person database.
BBC: Weybourne body: Plea for new Michael Sutherland inquest
Cleveland city spokeswoman Maureen Harper said that under state policy, detectives are asked to remove missing persons from the databases if they can't confirm a person is still missing during annual checks.
WSJ: Lapse in Missing-Persons List Questioned by Cleveland Officials
While they both involve missing person cases, I do believe that this case is quite different.
"This was an abduction, not just a missing person, " Chief Daniel Shaw told the station.
Johnny Gosch is still officially considered a missing person by police, and his disappearance remains an open case.
Police said, though, that her missing person's case remained open and was checked on as recently as November 2012.
The case is being investigated by Dorset Police as a missing person inquiry.
More than 60 police officers are working on the investigation which is being treated as a missing person inquiry.
Mr Baker's family and friends had heard nothing from him and a missing person appeal was made by police.
It is categorized as a missing person's case, and authorities have no evidence suggesting Jason is no longer alive.
In 2010, Damien's case was changed by the police from that of a missing person to a suspected murder investigation.
BBC: Mother of Damien Nettles talks of drugs debt murder theory
When Hall disappeared in 1994, cell phone triangulation and other technologies commonly used in missing person cases today weren't available.
All you need is to be connected and the device will quickly track the exact position of the missing person.
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The sense of urgency and hitting the ground running from the start could be the difference in many missing person cases.
Like so many people, the Jolkowskis mistakenly believed there was a 24-hour wait before police would accept a missing person's report.
"Despite this, Cleveland police kept Michelle Knight's missing person's case open and checked on the case numerous times, " the city said Friday.
At first the police treated Ashley as a runaway, but when she didn't come home, she was reclassified as a missing person.
The missing person inquiry took a more serious turn last Friday following the arrest of a 27-year-old man on suspicion of murder.
Appearance: The FBI missing person poster described her as 5 feet, 1 inch to 5 feet, 3 inches tall and weighing 105 pounds.
Appearance: The FBI missing person poster described her as 5 feet 1 inch to 5 feet 3 inches tall and weighing 135 pounds.
Appearance: The FBI missing person poster identified her as 5 feet 1 inch to 5 feet 3 inches tall and weighing 135 pounds.
They are usually informed of cases after 72 hours if the missing person has not been found, but high-risk reports are escalated sooner.
Mr Caton accepted that one person missing from the register was "one too many" but he was confident the list was managed "effectively".
Due to heavy caseloads, law enforcement officials are frequently not afforded the continuous training and education that could help them in the search for a missing person.
He filed a missing person's complaint on the morning of February 27, telling authorities that his son hadn't returned from going to the store the previous evening.
Police discovered Hugo's body floating in Reed Pond, which is on land owned by the Ministry of Defence, while they carried out a missing person search for him.
In 2010, a Suffolk County police officer and his cadaver dog were investigating a missing person case along Ocean Parkway when they happened upon the first skeletal remains.
On Tuesday, Antony Kinyua -- Alexander Kinyua's father -- called a Harford County detective assigned to the missing person's case and told him about his other son's gruesome discovery.
The missing person report triggered a media storm, with Paris Jackson tweeting for people to help find her grandmother or at least to get a phone call from her.