But the president is notified that the job has been secure, mission is accomplished.
For now, the recognition he seeks the most will come if his mission is accomplished in this fall's elections.
CNN: latimes.com: Talking baseball and politics with George W. Bush
This mission is accomplished by supporting other 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations that provide short and intermediate-term housing and related services (counseling, childcare, job assistance, etc.) to female victims of domestic abuse and their children.
Before our mission in Iraq is accomplished, there will be tough days ahead.
As Harry mentioned, though, our mission is far from accomplished, because while the worst of the storm has passed, far too many Americans are still hurting in its wake.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats
It hasn't been won but the mission is, sort of, accomplished.
After eleven years, nearly two thousand Americans killed, sixteen thousand Americans wounded, nearly four hundred billion dollars spent, and more than twelve thousand Afghan civilians dead since 2007, the war in Afghanistan has come to this: the United States is leaving, mission not accomplished.
Mission accomplished: customers are inspired, and Turn is a part of the industry conversation.
If so, it is still sensible to ask whether that mission can be accomplished through less costly and less risky means.
So this is the 9th of January, and that mission had been accomplished.
CNN: Transcripts from video deposition of Lewinsky, Jordan, and Blumenthal
But floating an IPO now is the Bush administration equivalent of declaring "mission accomplished" after two months in Iraq.
Now it is time for him to go near our God, for he has accomplished his mission here on earth.
But in late 2005, almost three years after George W. Bush declared mission accomplished, an almost daily barrage of bombings and killings have convinced most people this is not war is not going according to plan.
The reason why I'm asking that is because it seems to me if those Iraqis really understood that as soon as our mission was accomplished we were going home, instead of throwing bombs at us now and settling out the differences in their country later, they would be waiting until we left.