Unidentified Group: (Singing) I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus underneath the mistletoe last night.
They show winter flowers and plants including Butcher's broom, Camellia sasanqua, mistletoe and snowdrops.
Or Christmas: I mean can mistletoe and tree lights really compete against bright multi-colored blasts in the sky?
Second, mistletoe sheds a lot of leaves, which add to the depth of the leaf litter in a wood.
First, mistletoe weakens (and sometimes kills) its host trees, opening them to infestations by wood-boring insects and similar critters.
Species that make their nests in bunches of mistletoe also tended to disappear.
North Wales Police said they would continue to enforce a number of anti-crime initiatives, including Operation Mistletoe throughout Christmas and new year.
Remember that next time you catch somebody under the mistletoe at Christmas.
As would be expected, the one species that feeds almost exclusively on mistletoe berries, the aptly named mistletoebird, vanished from the culled woodlands.
Most likely, mistletoe is enhancing the food supply of other birds by increasing the number of creepy crawlies available for them to eat.
About half of what my mother and I baked was given to neighbors, tied up with red ribbon and sprigged with holly or mistletoe.
Mistletoe is thus acting as what ecologists refer to as a keystone species: it supports an entire ecosystem, and removing it has drastic effects for the whole.
Lee's affections for Lucy first came to light in series two, but despite arranging dates and kissing under the mistletoe, the pair have never quite managed to get it together.
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In the patches of woodland where mistletoe was left in place, the number of bird species actually increased, probably because of the end of a prolonged drought in the area.
Then, when three years had passed after the removal of the mistletoe from some of them (during which time they continued to cull any resurgent bunches of mistletoe from the trees in the experimental patches), they carried out another extended bird survey.