Do all the people that have worked for me and Cintas feel that they were mistreated?
But they say even if he was mistreated, that's no reason to throw the case out.
NPR: Government Rejects Suspected Terrorist's Speedy Trial Claim
Typically, we see a former employee in public service or private industry who feels mistreated and wronged.
Asking around the office here, I heard two tales of mistreated interns right on our own premises.
Ashcroft also refused to comment about accusations by Hatfill and his attorneys that the FBI has mistreated him.
He witnessed his mother being mistreated by whites in the South, but he never saw her give up.
But on Monday, she told reporters she was neither mentally nor physically mistreated.
Her passion for the safety of abused and mistreated women got our attention.
Another student, Pathuxolo Manana, 22, says he does not believe Ms Semenya was mistreated or had her rights "violated".
BBC: South African relief as Caster Semenya gets back on track
Be clear about why you feel mistreated and be specific in your examples.
CNN: Jon and Kate plus hate? Ways to deal with common relationship stress
She said she did not believe that women were being mistreated in television.
The brothers have refused to speak about it, and the Bahrain Football Association maintains that no players were mistreated.
The crossbench peer, Baroness Meacher, tabled an amendment allowing people who feel mistreated by bailiffs to appeal to an ombudsman.
BBC: Government suffers two defeats over Crime and Courts Bill
The developer has written a lot of back story about centuries of souls who were mistreated within the asylum's walls.
Nancy Rodriguez Duran, 44, told CNN affiliate News 12 New Jersey that Michael A. Mendez had not mistreated her.
The move follows an investigation into Indonesian abattoirs by Australia's ABC broadcaster, which showed graphic footage of animals being mistreated.
The two amendments, both passed on 18 December 2012, dealt with those mistreated by bailiffs, and the rehabilitation of female offenders.
BBC: Government suffers two defeats over Crime and Courts Bill
But Jared Magolo, the accused pirates' attorney, said the prisoners were being mistreated and argued unsuccessfully that proceedings should go ahead.
Hurt feelings on both sides are pushing Turkey and the West apart: Turkey feels mistreated, and acts in such a way.
She was mistreated by her mother and her partner at a house in Handsworth, Birmingham, and weighed just 2st 9lb when found.
BBC: Ofsted inspectors go into Birmingham children's services
He was a violinist in the group who sued, claiming the other three members mistreated him when they tried to fire him.
In interview, he said he felt he had been mistreated and hoped the officer would not treat his child the same way.
There is still the issue of how Hauser mistreated his graduate students.
Although the paper was subsequently accepted by another peer-reviewed journal, Lindzen felt sufficiently mistreated to make the whole correspondence with the PNAS publicly available.
The Al-Sweady inquiry named after Hamid is examining claims that detainees were mistreated and killed in 2004 after the so-called Battle of Danny Boy.
BBC: Al-Sweady Inquiry: Iraq teenager was hanged, says uncle
She wanted the world at the end to know how she had been treated and mistreated and all the stuff that she had gone through.
CNN: Mindy McCready feared losing custody of kids, friend says
LONDON, England (CNN) -- A British soldier was being questioned Friday by military police over allegations that Iraqi prisoners of war were mistreated, officials said.
I'd been mistreated before, but not as badly as many others.
The colonel was himself investigated, after a false claim that he had mistreated civilians and prisoners of war in Iraq, and was later cleared of any wrongdoing.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Reid dismisses troop 'union' idea
Carr said Australia sought specific assurances from Israel, such as that the detainee would get legal representation of his choosing and that he would not be mistreated.