On the other hand Mitch Daniels, Indiana's Republican governor, was re-elected by a wide margin.
Gov. Mitch Daniels in Indiana has also enjoyed public support for his efforts to trim union power.
The two new names you hear are New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels.
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, a Republican, pushed through that increase to pay for real estate tax relief.
Several promisingly pragmatic governors, including Mitch Daniels, Chris Christie and Jeb Bush, never even sought the nomination.
Haley, Mitch Daniels, Tim Pawlenty, Mitt Romney, Jon Huntsman, they have at least some of the needed experience.
FORBES: "If Trump Thinks He'll Get Elected, He's Smoking Funny Stuff"
It was one of the first recommendations offered by a new three-person board appointed by Gov. Mitch Daniels.
Mitch Daniels, another mild-mannered governor, faced similar critiques even though he was far less staunch a libertarian.
Mitch Daniels has built his reputation on being a no-nonsense manager who is all about cutting costs in government.
FORBES: Mitch Daniels' Fatal Mistake -- Defunding Planned Parenthood
Last month, Mitch Daniels signed into law a bill that will deny Planned Parenthood in Indiana any Medicaid funding.
Republicans would have done better by adopting outgoing Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels's call for a "truce" on social issues.
Think also delivered the first 15 of its City EVs to Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana on Wednesday.
FORBES: Liftoff for the Leaf, Volt, Think City and the Benz fuel-cell car
Conor Friedersdorf is excited about the new voucher bill signed into law in Indiana by governor Mitch Daniels.
In Indiana, HB 1547 authored by State Representative David Niezgodski, was signed into law on Friday, 1 May by Governor Mitch Daniels.
This mundane comparison is but a tiny reflection of the far more momentous policy agenda and management effectiveness of Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels.
Rob Portman of Ohio and Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana, all of whom fit his criteria that the pick be capable of serving as president.
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels has since declared the bill dead.
In 2007, for example, Gov. Mitch Daniels created the Healthy Indiana Plan, which funded 95% of the cost of consumer-directed health savings accounts for low-income residents.
As Mitch Daniels put it tellingly in his response to the State of the Union and yesterday on Fox News Sunday, Governor Romney needs to be inclusive.
Mr Barbour and Mitch Daniels, the governor of Indiana, say they will not make up their minds until April, when the current legislative sessions in their states end.
White House Budget Director Mitch Daniels said the administration listens to politicians "11 months of the year" and Tuesday's forum allowed for a "concentrated conversation" with working Americans.
Online, Obama's Web site lists early voting locations, while Gov. Mitch Daniels, the state's Republican incumbent, is e-mailing a video link that shows how easy it is to vote early.
Governor Mitch Daniels, who addressed the opening dinner of the summit, makes trips to Asia to promote his state, annually to Japan, and this year, for the first time, to China.
Now I understand why people like Mitch Daniels.
FORBES: Obama's Slam Dunk Off Of A Pick Set By Mitch Daniels
The funds would flow from Washington in the form of categorical grants, meaning they would have to be used to purchase new equipment, train personnel or otherwise enhance first-responder capabilities, White House budget director Mitch Daniels said.
Newly elected Indiana Governor Mike Pence is building on the sound financial footing left to him by former Governor Mitch Daniels, and freeing up more take-home pay for all Indiana citizens by enacting an across-the-board, 10-percent income tax reduction.
FORBES: It's Not Just The Feds, The States Face Their Own Fiscal Cliffs, Too
Scott Walker in Wisconsin, Mitch Daniels in Indiana and Chris Christie in New Jersey all took over states nearly as moribund as Italy and Spain and put before their publics hard but obvious choices about spending, taxes, pensions, unions and bureaucracies.
Mitch Daniels, former Bush administration budget chief, told me GM and Chrysler would have been easier to turn around, and at much less cost to the taxpayer, if they'd gone through the traditional bankruptcy route, stripping them of their pension liabilities and debts.
While the GOP sponsored legislation may be more onerous than the Wisconsin version, there is one significant difference in the circumstances- Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, a leading candidate for the GOP presidential nomination, is not supporting the efforts of his party to end unions in his state.
FORBES: Democrats Now Fleeing Indiana In Effort To Hold Up Anti-Union Bill