Did it not wonder whether Mr Roeder's remarks about re-Germanising the east were, well, a mite sensitive?
It seems, perhaps, a mite exaggerated: furious fights over the census are as old as the census itself.
For all that, the emphasis on history and tradition is a mite bogus.
Allergies to pollen, furry or feathery animals or house-dust mite, can be triggers for asthma, because they irritate the airways.
The main suspects for causing bee deaths are viruses and other pests acting in tandem, especially the aptly named Varroa destructor mite.
FORBES: Bee-ing Smart: Regulators Must Distinguish Activists' Bad Dreams From Good Evidence
Perhaps the banks are also a mite territorial in their perceptions, as if FERC should not be playing sheriff in their town.
FORBES: Bigger than Libor: Major Banks at Risk for Energy Manipulation
To stun pests, the 2-heptanone is injected at the site of the bite a bee inflicts on a mite, moth or larvae.
The varroa mite is endemic throughout both feral and cultivated honey-bee colonies.
The poor mite says it's absolutely freezing and is finding it hard to type and keep his gloves on at the same time.
Besides, it is a mite too simple to equate the health of a democracy with the volume of elections, as many people do.
Indeed, the man recently restored to frontline politics as shadow chancellor of the exchequer may be a mite too well known to British voters.
ECONOMIST: Is Michael Howard, of all people, renouncing Thatcherism?
She found that babies born by cesarean section are six times more likely to be sensitive to dust mite allergens than babies born naturally.
But it seems a mite harsh to ridicule a Japanese hotel in Holland for failing to produce a definitive version of this American offering.
There is also Varroa, a parasitic mite, which has been another problem in bees for some time, and which might also transmit the IAPV.
Given that the now-disused hall is one of Manchester's few famous buildings, it seemed a mite perverse for the council to attempt to deform it.
This, the work of ten years, was still a mite intimidating.
ECONOMIST: Julia Child, cookery teacher, died on August 13th, aged 91
It seems that when the spider got caught in the tree resin, it was carrying a mite, which was hitching a ride to a new place.
Other kinds of vermin such as lice and scabies can get into the mattress as well, although they are less common than mite and bedbug problems.
Mr Rigby is a mite concerned that executives are quite so bullish about the world economy: only 10% are worried about a slowdown in the coming year.
The Israeli acute paralysis virus (and, perhaps, the mystery virus) may have had such a devastating effect there because of the presence of a parasite called the varroa mite.
ECONOMIST: A virus may help explain colony collapse disorder
At age four, they were also given a skin-prick test to see if they had any of the most common allergies, including dust mite, animal fur, pollen, milk, eggs or peanuts.
BBC: Doctors could predict which children are at risk of asthma
He helps produce about 60 varieties, starting with a dark green bud called "Mighty Mite, " a plant for urban window boxes that grows to the size and shape of a corn dog.
Both Mr Lafontaine and Mr Hombach published books on economics last year and they read, respectively, like rival tracts by Keynes and Milton Friedman (albeit with a mite less intellectual rigour in both cases).
Although Billy Crystal, the star and moving force, still gets a mite dewy-eyed and message-y (this time about brotherly love), he manages to parody as well as act out the fantasies and sensitivities of fortyish urban males.
After all, he could not possibly have imagined that the power to inspect a mite would one day lead to the power to inspect, and even manipulate, the subatomic particles that are the very essence of life itself.
To investigate, scientists looked at two common pesticides: neonicotinoids, which are used to control pests on oil seed rape and other crops, and a group of organophosphate chemicals called coumaphos, which are used to kill the Varroa mite, a parasite that attacks the honey bee.