Saturation advertising of the mix-and-match of the core elements has made white and khaki a uniform.
The commission suggests elements of the different options could be put together in a mix-and-match deal.
All 14 of the pieces are sold separately and specifically designed with the mix-and-match idea in mind.
So for the shuttle, the agency developed a system of mix-and-match suit parts that come in different sizes.
Such creative events fit well with Fiat's plan to let buyers personalize their vehicles by choosing mix-and-match paint colors and interiors.
The results of all that voting are frequently bizarre: rotating prime ministerships, angry shoals of political minnows, mix-and-match coalitions that turn out to be unmanageable.
There are numerous types of spacecraft and missions that can be configured in various mix-and-match combinations, and many of which never launched off the drawing boards.
With her mix-and-match patterned skirt, top and tights and her hair in two tufts, the pint-size girl projected art and life to the far reaches of the theater.
It keeps going: there's a custom Bluetooth controller that can handle every system, mix-and-match original controller support, save states and upscaling for both video (to 720p, through HDMI) as well as audio.
The Bush Administration is willing to think about moving from strategic arms agreements that limit offensive weapons and ban defensive ones to a new set of mix-and-match totals where offensive and defensive capabilities are somehow reckoned together.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Newsweek declares the missile defense debate Over��
The craggy Charles Bronson vaqueros, Hispanic cowboys with their fancy rodeo shirts and Stetsons, and the Tejano bands playing the mix-and-match sound of chilli: shades of country and western, mariachi, blues - even a dash of Bavaria with the accordions.
Good tailoring, classic styling, quality material, mix-and-match colours, a dash of panache: just the tops and trousers and skirts, set off with a Claiborne scarf and a Claiborne leather tote, in which to stride down Fifth Avenue or into the halls of power.
Publicly traded partnerships and real-estate investment trusts mix and match features from corporations and uncorporations.
However, the real money saver is you can get peak and off-peak carnets to mix and match your tickets.
Indeed, in addition to car sharing, the industry is increasingly working on developing complex multi-transport solutions, such as monthly tickets that let people in cities mix and match public transport with bicycle-sharing schemes and car-sharing schemes, Mr Leo explains.
BBC: Can car sharing eliminate San Francisco's traffic jams?
This not only means that the physical toys have a degree of articulation and create new ways to play on the living room carpet, but in-game you can mix and match abilities from the 16 different Swap Force characters.
FORBES: Skylanders Swap Force Gets the Jump on the Competition
They do a lot of buying and selling on a large, fast-moving bulk market to mix, match and blend to make sure they have a consistent style of wine to offer every year.
He attributes his ability to mix and match items tastefully to his three-year stint there.
Their mutant skills will evolve through a unique upgrade system that allows them to choose how they will mix and match the powers from their favorite X-Men and Brotherhood characters, then engage in fast and furious combat against a variety of opponents bent on defending their beliefs.
FORBES: Comic Book Legend Stan Lee Gets Interactive at San Diego Comic-Con
Its new V-series cell phone, dubbed the "triplets, " lets customers mix and match colors and features, like videoclip playback.
The match opened up and Carson saved from point-blank range from Henry after a dreadful mix-up in the Charlton defence involving the goalkeeper and Jonathan Fortune.