Jackson Laboratory represents an unusual but nonetheless very effective mixture of the two motives.
Those involved are generally punished by a mixture of fines, restriction of privileges and stopping of shore leave.
Kimball starts it out on the countertop, bringing the mixture nearly an inch from the top.
Strobel claims this gas mixture, harmless to humans, is one of the most potent antibiotics discovered.
' This is more like the artistic studio where you have an eclectic mixture.
"I'm disappointed, gutted, angry, a mixture of thoughts and emotions, " Hoggard told BBC Sport.
To this base, add ground walnuts and fruity pomegranate molasses, and dilute the mixture with stock.
It's currently being served with a roasted fig and plum mixture, topped with aged balsamic vinegar.
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Add roux mixture by spoonfuls to the boiling stock, stirring until dissolved between each addition.
Government agencies look at the cloud with a weird mixture of hope and wariness.
Diced chorizo was sauteed with a "piperade, " a mixture of onions, bell peppers, and tomato.
Atop this mixture was placed a cod filet, pan seared until the skin is crispy.
Divide ice cream mixture into three and flavor each with the different berry purees.
Singapore also boasts its own homegrown Peranakan cuisine, a mixture of Chinese and Malaysian styles.
This heady mixture was exactly his dad's prescription during last year's Republican primaries.
"We had a toxic mixture of a losing team and unpopular players, " says Allen.
It is a mixture of horseplay and the faith of fathers, and not to be imitated.
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The plans would see the sites revamped into a mixture of houses and flats.
BBC: New homes planned at disused Banbury and Bicester sites
Research is a mixture of discreet enquiries through the social circle, online searches and on-the-spot surveillance.
Each person affected by a trauma usually falls into a confused mixture of all three responses.
Our atmosphere is so very thin, and we're changing its mixture of gases with our activities.
Using a solid spoon, place equal portions of the leek mixture on 4 plates.
He reduces peeled and seeded tomatoes, adds sauteed onions, then blends and strains the mixture.
They didn't really have a name for the mixture of Afro-Cuban music and bebop.
Baste occasionally with the butter mixture and turn once near the end to crisp the skin.
The mixture at that point is "like oatmeal, making it very difficult to stir, " explained Prof.
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Cook a minute longer, stirring all the while, until the mixture tightens a bit.
WSJ: Sean Brock's Oats Risotto With Peas and Pecorino | Slow Food Fast
Mix well and, if the mixture seems too moist, add matzoh meal until it holds together.
His book reveals the strange mixture of meanings the war had for its combatants.
Freeze-drying the mixture wouldn't work because it would come out as a clumpy, cakelike substance.