ML-Nawaz politician in Peshawar, offered another example of the importance of local politics.
Petry's client Merrill Lynch (nyse: ML - news - people ) has, like most financial firms, banned employees from using personal e-mail accounts while at work.
In addition, some of the feedback we got from customers was that the D70 has a small optional ML-L3 infrared remote trigger, a push-button you can use to trigger the camera.
ENGADGET: The Engadget Interview: Steve Heiner, General Manager, Digital SLR Systems, Nikon
Black Box continues to innovate, and in 2011 introduced a 500-ml.
FORBES: Constellation Transforms The Wine Market With Inside The Box Thinking
For international flights, Japanese authorities apply the same rules for liquids as the US does: carry-on bottles can be no larger than 100 ml (3.4 ounces) in quart-sized plastic bags.
FORBES: Want To Carry Drinks Through Airport Security? This Machine Could Let You.
Typically less than 500 ml in quantity, these are available as both single-serve packages and fountain products.
It will also enable DB ML to invest in foreign expansion it is the fifth-biggest logistics operator worldwide, but with less than half the turnover of Deutsche Post and its subsidiaries DHL and Exel.
And for safety and legal reasons, all booze-related records have been taken out--like Steve Petrosino's amazing feat of guzzling 550 ml of beer in 1.3 seconds.
"It is sad that two more athletes - Ashwini Akkunji and Priyanka Panwar - tested positive for anabolic steroids, " Athletics Federation of India (AFI) Director ML Dogra said.
In theory, the presence of private shareholders in DB ML should reduce its ability to win special treatment from DB Netz, though Mr Mehdorn will, bizarrely, continue to head both DB and DB ML. The privatisation represents a step towards the British model, in which private firms run trains on a state-owned network.