The 995-cc Santro is modeled on the Atos, which was released in South Korea last year.
The boat was modeled on an ancient 19-meter Phoenician shipwreck excavated off the coast of Marseille.
This legislation is modeled on the Set America Free Coalition's Blueprint for Energy Security.
It was my first book and it was modeled on Zen in the Art of Archery.
Though it may be modeled on a child's toy, this massive public art installation isn't just for kids.
Sony's Aibo line of robot pets celebrates its third year with a new entry modeled on a pug.
For example, he has developed a first-of-its-kind ratings system for independent software coders, modeled on Major League Baseball statistics.
At the very start of Parramatta Road, the castle-like buildings of Sydney University were modeled on London's Westminster Abbey.
He also urged Congress to establish a Veterans Jobs Corps modeled on the Civilian Conservation Corps of decades past.
The southern African proposals are modeled on a prototype that has no match.
In fact, though George Lucas and Steven Spielberg deny it, Gallenkamp and others believe the character Indiana Jones was modeled on Andrews.
Service is pinpoint attentive, modeled on Japan's more formal attitude toward retail transactions.
To this end, News Corp. and the Bancrofts agreed on standards modeled on the long-standing Dow Jones Code of Conduct.
It's an enormous trackpad that accepts gesture input to control the computers applications, modeled on the interface for the iPhone.
It is modeled on the famous Framingham Heart Study, which helped spot cholesterol and other risk factors for heart disease.
It depends on whom you ask, according to Piazza, who says the pet was originally modeled on a lion cub.
And these will be modeled on funds that supported the transitions in Eastern Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
In the show, Griffith played the amiable sheriff of an small, idyllic town modeled on his own birthplace of Mount Airy.
In Minnesota they defeated a proposed constitutional amendment, modeled on federal law, that would have banned same-sex marriage in the state.
This program is very much modeled on that program the British government introduced last week, but it goes beyond the U.S. plan.
An excellent example of fast-track teacher training is Teach for America, founded nearly a decade ago and modeled on the Peace Corps.
He said the proposal was modeled on a similar law in nearby Kennesaw, Georgia, that has been on the books since 1982.
The android's face has been modeled on that of a famous newsreader, and sophisticated actuators allow it to mimic her facial movements.
ECONOMIST: Why the Japanese want their robots to act more like humans
Disney Springs, which will be modeled on Florida's waterfront communities, will feature four outdoor neighborhoods with more than 150 shops, restaurants and other establishments.
Certainly the opposite is being modeled on the majority of talk shows and reality programs, where loud, aggressive, in-your-face behavior is condoned, if not encouraged.
In contrast to Barbie's fantasy figure and perky high heels, these dolls are modeled on girls from historical eras and come with storybooks about themselves.
The provisions are modeled on the False Claims Act, which allows whistleblowers who report fraud related to government procurement to share in any government recovery.
Our intention is that the reporting of gross receipts and sales on the 2012 income tax forms will be modeled on the 2010 income tax forms.
FORBES: IRS Continues to Weigh In on New Credit Card Reporting Requirements
There's more evidence of it in the new Notes and Reminders apps, both of which, like Notifications and Messages, are closely modeled on their iOS equivalents.