Now private property in a modern society does require government in order to function well.
Professor Lloyd said the marine environment represented one of the greatest challenges for modern society.
"Gaining more leisure time has been one of modern society's great achievements, " he says.
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To them , Ayer's Rock represents the delicate balance between ancient traditions, modern society and nature.
No, they were just a modern society who had accepted technology as their collective lord and savior.
Likewise, to reduce obesity in modern society, we will have to alter the way society is organized.
Having been woven into the fabric of modern society, minimum wage impacts a large percentage of the workforce.
During one performance Grillo smashed a pile of computers on stage while lamenting modern society's dependency on technology.
User interface (UI) is one of the most impactful manifestations of human centred design in our modern society.
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This is a vice that is costing modern society dearly as individual health declines and national healthcare costs increase.
Of course, from a societal perspective, patent law needs to evolve to meet the changing needs of modern society.
Mass-commercial junk of modern society is a symptom of the riches we enjoy.
Automobiles are a key part of modern society and the modern industrial age.
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And he believes that modern society may be making that desire even stronger.
The electric dependency of every aspect of modern society is hypertrophied in cities.
FORBES: New York, Black Swans, Blackouts and Anti-Fragile Grids
He argued that a longer school day would also be more family-friendly and "consistent with the pressures of a modern society".
Equally distorting is the myth of a Golden Age, a lost world of happy families before modern society did its damage.
They include rich and poor, success stories and failures, the talented, scroungers, and those unsuited for life in a modern society.
There are those -- social psychologist Stanton Peele is one -- who believe that addiction has become an epidemic of modern society.
In a modern society children are an economic liability, not an asset.
At the WEF Council on Financing and Capital on which I participate, we assessed the role of financial institutions in modern society.
If Japan, too, can address its problems as the sort of modern society it fancies itself to be, the world will be greatly relieved.
And we said that the trillion dollar question is when is our mainstream education system going to adapt to the needs of our post-modern society?
FORBES: How Can Mainstream Education Meet The Needs of Post-Modern Society?
Since there are many activities that are essential to modern society that are inherently inefficient, government exists to provide services that make those activities happen.
FORBES: Colleges And Universities Should Operate More Like Businesses
Cashmore thinks the apparent rise in people getting tattoos is closely linked to the importance that modern society places on the body and personal grooming.
But coaching may prove essential to the success of modern society.
Tim responds that in a modern society the only way to move towards less collective choice is to use the mechanisms at hand, which is collective choice.
In their new book they look at how it is shaking up some of the core institutions of modern society: the media, universities, government and so on.
Formerly bastions of intellectual freedom in a world of Babbitry, formerly the locus of sexual freedom and experimentation, they now became the most restrictive environments in modern society.
The amendment from Lib Dem MSP Margaret Smith, which stressed the importance of modern languages and science in modern society and the global marketplace, was backed without opposition.