The ions, having lost their stabilizing electron, go off looking for electrons to steal from other molecules.
The other is a way to top up the healing molecules once some of them have been used.
In one room chemists are fabricating a range of organic molecules they hope will function as mechanical components.
Ionizing radiation can bring this about by breaking chemical bonds in atoms and molecules.
The soap molecules then gather up into droplets in which all the "water-loving" ends face outward.
It sells 100 of the 130 molecules used in making semiconductor chips and liquid-crystal displays.
Lieber and others are trying to turn molecules into useful systems, from sensors to integrated circuits.
But the fact that the molecules can be made and seen confirms long-held fundamental atomic theories.
When you look out through these massive molecules everything is fuzzy for a while.
Hydrogen molecules in their pure state repel one another much the way unmatched magnets do.
Receptors are protein molecules that sit on the surface of cells in the nose.
It told of how Hewlett-Packard and UCLA had tricked tiny molecules into behaving as memory bits.
Over dinner Schreibershared with Adams his disdain for combinatorial chemistry, the high-speed fabrication of synthetic molecules.
In these layers, scientists are looking for organic molecules, which are necessary to create life.
One side is attracted to negatively charged molecules on the surface of bacterial membranes.
This would involve slipping a few radioactive carbon atoms into molecules of the drugs in question.
Serotonin is one of the brain's messenger molecules, and is particularly involved in establishing mood.
While Schwab kept looking for his protein, researchers identified other molecules that held up nerve growth.
They also want to know exactly how viral infections stimulate production of the molecules.
Using techniques taken from molecular biology, he destroyed any molecules that weren't seven strands long.
Yurke used DNA to construct molecular motors, molecules that can be made to change their shape.
Scientists have long known that proteins and other molecules in the body don't act alone.
These molecules, when mixed with water, organize themselves into neat arrays of cylinders and pinwheels.
Their technique involves introducing light-sensing molecules, or "photoswitches, " into retinas that have lost photoreceptor cells.
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In a healthy BRCA2 gene, molecules from the gene attach themselves to Rad51 like Velcro strips.
Living cells use enzymes to promote chemical reactions, digesting some molecules and producing others.
One theory blames oxidative stress, caused by the onslaught of nasty molecules known as free radicals.
When Caesar exhaled, he released an enormous number of "breath" molecules, mostly nitrogen and carbon dioxide.
The excited water molecules dissipate their energy by bashing against the enamel and bone.
When the body sustains an injury, molecules called notification proteins are produced at the site.