So being nice to your mom and dad and grandma and aunties and showing respect to people -- that's really important too, that's part of the Christmas spirit, don't you think?
WHITEHOUSE: The President Brings Christmas Cheer to Boys and Girls Club
We wonder as well, with our tongues halfway in our cheeks, whether seventeen-year-olds will want to spend four years, or three, or even two living with mom and dad and staring at a computer screen.
President GEORGE W. BUSH: ...and our military families, represented here this evening by Sergeant Norwood's mom and dad, Janet and Bill Norwood.
When we got home, I talked to my mom and dad, and decided I wanted to help the man.
I'm a sister to my brother and sisters, and a daughter to my mom and dad.
To the parents who watch their sons and daughters go off to war, and the children who wonder when mom and dad is coming home.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Honors Those Who Served on Veterans Day
Des Moines, Iowa (CNN) -- For college students, winter break is a time for vegging out and relying on mom and dad to do the laundry.
You are all heroes -- from the moms and dads who keep your families together while your loved ones are serving overseas, to the grandparents who step in with much needed support, to the children who are strong and brave while mom and dad are away.
My mom and dad love me and my four siblings immensely, but they were no pushovers.
We welcome his family, including mom and dad, Tish and Gary.
It starts, like a high school dance, with groups of boys and girls in separate clumps, occasionally shaking hands and checking each other out while mom and dad stay discreetly in the background.
To stop being husband and wife but still remain mom and dad.
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His mom and dad were detained, and the rest of his family displaced.
By 1984, many boomers who had been wowed by the Mustang 20 years earlier had gone to college, grown up, gotten haircuts, taken showers, found jobs, gotten married and started families. (Not always in that order, of course.) The stage was set for the revolutionary Chrysler minivan, which could hold mom, dad and the kids and still fit inside the family garage.
And instead of go looking for where mom and dad are or sibling, I just start walking ...(unintelligible) here.
And like so many of you, our first reactions were not as a President and First Lady, but as a Mom and Dad.
In fact, when I was a kid, I used to write these songs and I used to sneak into my mom and dad's room.
Both are in contrast to the younger Millennials who have fewer financial responsibilities and can often rely on the Bank of Mom and Dad for help.
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In the last year alone, the miniature fashion icon has popped up in more than 1, 000 news articles and has graced more tabloid covers than her mom, dad and nearly every other star in Hollywood.
Or are mom and dad paying closer attention to rashes and reactions, and more likely to call it an allergy?
Mom and Dad each take three months, and the remaining three months can be allocated between them however they see fit.
Jobs are scarce, student debt is overbearing, and their typical go-to money sources mom and dad are tapped out.
Instead of setting up new households of their own, the young (and not so young) are moving back in with mom and dad.
Mr. Moore recalls working with one set of siblings who didn't learn until their 50s that their parents had left them millions and, rather than being delighted, were disturbed their mom and dad had kept the secret from them.
She loves being close to her Mom and Dad, who though still relatively young and active (late sixties) are getting up there.
By then, "Idol's" favorite ex-waitress will have grown from America's sweetheart (see: 2004's "Breakaway") to a slightly goth brooder (2007's "My December") to pop's resident angry grrrl (2009's "All I Ever Wanted") right before the proud eyes of Mom and Dad -- or as we call them, Paula and Simon.
His mom and dad, both lawyers, encouraged him to pursue the craft, and bought him a wheel and kiln.
If a child provokes mom and dad to fight, he gains power over them when the fighting ends and both parties are weakened.