Mr Ansari is sitting opposite him, and his eyes drop to the floor for a moment.
At that moment Kelman realized it was no longer his job to protect his friend.
As Arnold goes to fetch the truck, I take a moment to soak in the scenery.
In a moment, well give a hint about the compound arithmetic that makes this so.
Hull Road ward councillor Neil Barnes said it had been a "proud moment for York".
Start coaching sessions the moment there is a problem, not after things gets really bad.
So this is in addition to the GP services that are there at the moment.
An M60 machine-gun operator rests for a moment with his heavy load of ammunition.
If you are listening a moment ago, I forgot Ken Rudin's trivia question today.
After almost a week in the saddle, the bath came not a moment too soon.
BBC: The way of the shepherd: Horse trekking through Kyrgyzstan
Many people blame capitalism for bringing us to this low moment in the economy.
There may come a moment when simply a society refuses to take medicine administered from outside.
When he walked to the crease at 49-1 in the morning, he faced another moment of scrutinisation.
At the moment, trading is conducted over the telephone, but may eventually be done at computer terminals.
Are we saying that teachers at the moment aren't good enough because they haven't passed these tests?
At the moment, the UK government publishes an online list of all meetings its ministers have with lobbyists.
BBC: Call for info on lobbyist meetings with Welsh ministers
Maybe you heard a song called - let me see if I can play a moment of it.
The taxi materialised from the jungle at exactly the right moment, having followed me at a safe distance.
The moment I chose to take off, I was doing yoga on a rooftop in southern San Francisco.
This year's broadcast begins with a moment from 2008's A Jazz Piano Christmas, unheard on the radio broadcast.
At the moment, I earn significantly more money than my spouse, but it does not impact our relationship.
However, Sony told the BBC it would have more to say on this matter "at the appropriate moment".
Let's stay with the fashion business for a moment, because today's last word in business is Naughty Monkey.
That's not a project that I'm able to speak about with you at this moment.
"It's a very special moment, " said Nadal of the crowd's decision to break into song.
Legal muir burning is being carried out at the moment by hill farmers and landowners.
For the moment, part of that history is still living, in the house behind the museum.
Now, going forward, this moment of volatility has to be turned into a moment of promise.
At the moment, online multiplayer games are the most dramatic example of these constructed realities.
At the moment, Soyuz is used at Baikonur to launch astronauts to the International Space Station.