These are the guys who are seeing, moment by moment, what this financial crisis is, what is happening.
Defending yourself from being distracted by mind clutter is a moment-by-moment discipline.
Dana Milbank chimed in to argue that the rise of Twitter had created an echo chamber effect among campaign journalists that shapes these shared narratives, literally moment-by-moment.
In our emerging G-Zero world, with no single power able to set the agenda, the winners and losers of the next generation will be determined not by the rubrics of the moment but by how well and often they are able to pivot.
Legal muir burning is being carried out at the moment by hill farmers and landowners.
The sad reality is that Mexico is at the moment by no means ready to make the leap.
Puzzled for a moment by his own muddled feelings of affection and irritation.
He thought that if he brought lots of very clever people together he could reconstruct that moment by the Grand River.
As a practical matter, an immediate deployment can only take place at the moment by using the Navy's Aegis air-defense ships.
Unfortunately, the NYPD is under assault at the moment by civil liberties agitators, a phalanx of lawyers and their allies at the New York Times.
Some market participants may simply be deterred from gold buying at the moment by the price gains that have occurred in recent months, Lesh said.
FORBES: Gold Traders Eye U.S. Dollar, Technicals As Consolidation Continues
He had put in years of preparation before that moment by the Grand River, and it was impossible to know what unconscious associations triggered his great insight.
La Vitrine, a cultural information and last minute ticket booth, currently has a playful interactive light and video installation by Moment Factory, that will move to a new building, scheduled to open this autumn.
He eats like a man whose gut should protrude far over his belt, yet he looks like a man who could be blown off the mound at any moment by a strong gust of wind.
Dominated at the moment by courses in mathematics, computer science, and engineering, MOOCs may be ill-equipped to teach students to write and express themselves or to provide the hands-on experience of working in a lab.
We need also to realise that peaceful and steady progress in our society of differing cultures and heritage can be threatened at any moment by the actions of extremists at home or by events abroad.
In other words, the framers did not mean to freeze America in a single historical moment by dictating that only the legal or political outcomes they expected should be seen as legitimate for all time to come.
New York (CNN) -- Sunday's graduation ceremony at Hofstra University was a bittersweet affair marked by a moment of silence for a 21-year-old student killed by a police officer two days ago.
"The moment we lower the barrier by making access to credit as easy as a few clicks, is the moment we have to think about issues of transparency and disclosure, " he said.
An in-the-moment media communicator is never thrown for a loop by a reporter, host or caller, because he or she is focused 100 percent on the question of the moment, not preoccupied by what to say in 5 or 10 seconds.
It's unfortunate, but he's put himself in this position by a moment of madness.
They start with "Spit at Stars, " inspired by a moment in a Jack Kerouac novel.
No one leapt up at the end of his talk, swept up by a moment.
An inspector reached in to Michael Waltrip's car engine, a moment described by NASCAR official Robin Pemberton.
And I think we honor their humanity, right, in that particular historical moment, by acknowledging the significance of Juneteenth.
We must be ready for the 21st century from its very first moment, by solving the "Y2K" computer problem.
If the share price activity is anything to go by the moment of truth is a small vote against Samsung so far.
FORBES: On S4 Day, Apple's Share Price Is Up, Samsung Is Down.
In a merciful moment bestowed by the food gods, it occurred to me that my tart did not have to be French.