Indeed, the monarchist army chief, General Rookmangud Katwal, this week struck a jarring note.
The powerful people in the military and monarchist camps who are used to running Thailand do not like this.
Although a staunch monarchist, Witte assiduously and adroitly cultivated American and foreign reporters.
Henri and Mitterrand were, in an odd way, two of a kind: Mitterrand the socialist-monarchist and Henri the royal democrat.
As a declared monarchist, he set up the referendum only reluctantly, and did nothing to engage the country in debate.
Mr Howard, probably Australia's most staunch monarchist, successfully campaigned, in a referendum in 1999, to keep the queen as head of state.
He is an unapologetic monarchist (Italy hasn't had a king since before Mussolini) and keeps a photo of Queen Elizabeth in his office.
The 17th century anti-monarchist and former Lord Protector of England attacked the town of Drogheda in County Louth in 1649 with 12, 000 Roundheads.
The bulk of the country has been ruled by a monarchist dynasty since the 17th century, with King Mohammed VI holding power since 1999.
And, although some might hurl anti-monarchist brickbats, victory in the race for the Queen would be a massive moment for the sport as well as for her.
In the 1999 referendum, the then-government of staunch monarchist John Howard asked voters to choose between maintaining the monarchy and replacing it with a president elected by a two-thirds parliamentary majority.
But royal supporters the Australian Monarchist League is trying to encourage its 15, 000 members to get out and welcome the Queen, especially in the big cities where republican sentiment is strongest.
John Howard, the prime minister, is an avowed monarchist.
ECONOMIST: Australia: A republic, but not at any price | The
"I often think of myself as the last person who is a monarchist really, simply because I simply can't imagine if we had anything in its place it would be anything but worse, " he said.
Will it seriously influence the scorekeepers, let alone the corporate risk-takers, that Indonesia under Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono appeared to be cementing its order in free elections even as Thailand writhed in what is (albeit roughly) a republican-monarchist tussle?
Even John Howard, the prime minister and a staunch monarchist, grudgingly admits that having a head of state who lives in another country does not quite fit Australia's self-image as a modern democracy, seeking to establish a new role for itself in the Asia-Pacific region.