The victory transformed Nepal from a monarchy to a republic after 239 years of autocratic rule.
Some 55% of Australians backed the status quo, while 45% voted to scrap the constitutional monarchy.
On Monday morning the British Monarchy launched their first official page on Facebook.
FORBES: Thousands Rush To 'Like' Queen Elizabeth On Facebook
If the monarchy is to survive the current crisis, the king had better make some friends.
Before Gadhafi's coup in 1969, Libya was a constitutional monarchy with a parliament, constitution and king.
Even Spain only became a democratic state after the Monarchy was restored after the Franco regime.
Now look at all those countries in Europe, which got rid of the Monarchy.
None of the men who overthrew the Hawaiian monarchy tried to hide their involvement.
In 2010, a man was arrested for an inappropriate Facebook post about the monarchy.
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Such outright criticism of the monarchy, which has become widespread, itself marks a small revolution.
They're like a canopied box in which a member of the monarchy would ride.
Flip-flopping from monarchy to military rule to democracy and back again makes for a wobbly foundation.
Bhutan is now a constitutional monarchy, and its fifth king was coronated this month.
It wants the monarchy to be subject to an annual budget, just like government departments.
He had replaced a tottering theocracy with a hereditary monarchy, though Buddhism remained the national faith.
Thailand's lese majeste laws are intended to protect the monarchy, headed by 85-year-old King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
Several parties also back a return of the monarchy, which was overthrown by Qaddafi in 1969.
That in turn, has left the monarchy more vulnerable than it has been in a while.
Many protesters want a full constitutional monarchy, with more powers transferred from the king.
There have been renewed calls for a slimmer and more modern monarchy (fewer butlers, anyone?).
He says he meant no offence to the monarchy and was unaware of the law.
There was a constant undercurrent of tension between a modernising monarchy and a conservative clergy.
It was a measure of the islands' links with the monarchy stretching back to Queen Victoria.
The other is the likely impact of the princess's death on the standing of the monarchy.
The colonists fought for independence, against taxation without representation, to replace a monarchy with a republic.
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On paper, the monarchy looks pretty safe: support for a republic remains constant at about 20%.
Some Kuwaitis even questioned the monarchy, whose ruling family goes back centuries in this region.
FORBES: The Arab Spring Comes To Kuwait: Will Democracy Arrive And Liberty Thrive?
Logically, this should have made monarchy irrelevant, and her position perhaps that of chief social worker.
His most recent case, in 2009, involved a critical essay on the monarchy in an obscure journal.
ECONOMIST: The increasing use of l��se-majest�� laws serves no one
It seems unnecessarily churlish to focus on the uselessness of the British monarchy during a royal wedding.