But then it is no monetary union any longer, but the currency of that new state.
They also tried to manage their exchange rates and their monetary policies independently of each other.
And in this electronic world, who needs the International Monetary Fund, the sister bureaucracy to the World Bank?
Heath helped undermine his day's international monetary system by attacking the dollar on foreign-exchange markets.
The central bank's monetary policy committee, known as Copom, meets eight times a year.
Today, modern-day chartalists are from the school of thought known as Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).
Monetary and fiscal policies became disconnected in Europe because the euro zone lacked this feature.
Is this what blinds him to the monetary inflation caused by a cheap dollar?
Those who see higher prices point to the recent monetary easing by central banks.
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Euro-federalists and Eurosceptics alike feel vindicated: monetary union cannot work without economic and political unity.
The troika is made up of the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund.
"Monetary policy stance will remain 'accommodative' for as long as needed, " Mr Draghi said.
Upcoming: hearings by the House Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee discount window lending practices by the Fed.
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Entire virtual economies have emerged, assigning real-world monetary value to items or skills in games.
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Through an executive order, President Roosevelt made the possession of monetary gold a crime in 1933.
The International Monetary Fund's stern bookkeepers have moved in, and the Asian crisis is history.
That means that the onus will be on monetary policy to boost growth and inflation.
To ensure overall success, the GOP budget must be accompanied by pro-growth monetary reforms.
Food price inflation "is exacerbating the challenge of monetary management in anchoring inflation expectations, " it said.
Is it appropriate to base current monetary policy actions on those changes in credit markets?
The best gauge for central banks is commodities--they are the first to feel monetary disturbances.
Despite the substantial monetary obligation, these four-year scholarships attracted more than 1.2 million applicants.
We ought to take the same pragmatic approach to debates over monetary policy and broadband policy.
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With all these forces in play, why not make a serious monetary experiment using Cyprus?
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Budget cuts are never painless, but within a monetary union individual cuts can be excruciating.
Monetary policy is the most recondite yet most pervasive and powerful of economic forces.
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In short, monetary policy should not be an economic tool for heating or cooling economic activity.
The International Monetary Fund's September 2011 World Economic Outlook, characterised a volatile global economy as "bipolar".
The government expressed hope that more monetary space would open up later in the year.
In theory, looser monetary policy should push down the the dollar, so boosting exports.