And in this electronic world, who needs the International Monetary Fund, the sister bureaucracy to the World Bank?
The troika is made up of the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund.
The International Monetary Fund's stern bookkeepers have moved in, and the Asian crisis is history.
The International Monetary Fund's September 2011 World Economic Outlook, characterised a volatile global economy as "bipolar".
European governments, in turn, have been able to select the head of the International Monetary Fund.
But Milanovic rebuffed suggestions that Croatia would need a bailout from the International Monetary Fund.
Figures from the European Commission do not jibe with those of the International Monetary Fund.
The risk of recession is rising globally, according to the latest International Monetary Fund forecast.
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We could also help by rescuing Colombia from the untender mercies of the International Monetary Fund.
Investors chose to put aside the International Monetary Fund's dour assessment of global growth.
"Inflation has been remarkably quiet of late, " the International Monetary Fund observed last week.
International Monetary Fund prescriptions of devaluation and bone- crushing austerity invariably make a country's economy worse.
The International Monetary Fund is closer to becoming an important regulator of global financial markets.
The International Monetary Fund forecasts higher unemployment in nearly every major EU nation next year.
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Central Bank (ECB) officials will resume negotiations next week.
To France's delighted president, Nicolas Sarkozy, this was the birth of a European Monetary Fund.
Leave it to the International Monetary Fund, even as the IMF aggravates the Asia economic flu.
The International Monetary Fund is forecasting around 9% growth, dropping to 8% in 2012.
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This provides an argument for global institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
CNN: This monetary body would limit Crisis spillover effects
Melek cited various downgrades in global economic growth, including one from the International Monetary Fund.
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Chavez rarely misses an opportunity to denounce capitalism and ridicule the International Monetary Fund.
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But on Saturday, hackers broke into the computer system of the International Monetary Fund.
Afterall, on Sept. 20, the International Monetary Fund also forecast global growth of 4%.
This is a disturbing aspect of the bailout schemes arranged by the International Monetary Fund.
They have been joined by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which is providing another 250bn euros.
There has been a shake-up at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
According to the International Monetary Fund the world economy has entered a "dangerous new phase".
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Hungary, Ukraine, Belarus are all turning to the International Monetary Fund to raise money.
The trouble is that running the International Monetary Fund is not one of them.
The International Monetary Fund has suggested there is a case for moderating the pace of cuts.