In March, the team flirted with the prospect of chasing free agent Peyton Manning, only to bail out of the derby and award Sanchez more money and security.
In late November, about 1, 000 workers from the two papers walked off their jobs, demanding more money and better job security.
The end result is more money for you from Social Security and less money for the IRS. That sounds like a good deal.
In general, scientists who choose to make a living in our great ivory towers are motivated by three overriding concerns: academic fame, grant money, and job security.
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But as Colin Powell pointed out during a brief tour of Africa earlier in the year, money loves security and stability, and, in much of the continent, those commodities remain in short supply.
Fame, money, and job security provide the temptation.
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The increased attention paid to Victor Oladipo may generate additional marketing dollars for the guard leading up to the NBA Draft, but more importantly, his rise in draft stock will undoubtedly result in more money and greater job security for the Indiana basketball player at the next level.
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To send money, the user inputs a recipient's mobile phone number, the amount of money to send and a security code for protection.
"He stored money, he gave money to others to store, bought cars, used money as security, and obtained euro value for the northern sterling, " Cork Circuit Criminal Court heard.
If money does not move towards people without wages and security, workers will follow the money trail.
And listen to this: By saving the money we need to save Social Security and Medicare, then within 15 years we will achieve the lowest level of publicly held debt since 1917.
Ms. LILY LEDBETTER (Plaintiff): It's affected not only my livelihood, what I did for my family during those years, but it's affected my retirement and my Social Security which I draw, because my retirement was based on the amount of money that I earned, and so is my Social Security.
You know, I favor a withdrawal that would be completed in six months, redeployment of our troops, and to use the money to do real homeland security to protect our ports and our borders.
The Army's 5th Division is among three regional headquarters closing to save money under the Strategic Defence and Security Review.
They could, for example, lead an aid programme that would tie money for roads, ports and security hardware to increases in the tax take to pay for better security and social conditions.
Many Democrats say the administration has not provided enough money for homeland security, and other lawmakers, including House Speaker Dennis Hastert, want to include funds for the ailing airline industry in the supplemental request.
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During the '50s, even the '60s, security analysis and money management dwelled in a comparatively primitive stage.
It provided more money, equipment and people for border security, which is where all these immigration bills begin.
Previously, such organizations in Texas obtained 90% of their money through the Social Security Administration and other federal funding.
He said criminal groups were using new methods to carry out money laundering activities and that the Indian security agencies had to resort to new strategies to catch them.
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In his view, a cluster of cultural prejudices have steered many potential tradesmen into college, and then toward stultifying office jobs, which provide less satisfaction and less security than skilled manual labor, and sometimes less money.
At the hub of a murky mix of politics and money is Naoki Akiyama, head of Japan's National Security Research Group and the Japan-American Cultural Society.
As asset prices increase, people feel wealthier and more secure because of increased value of retirement funds, education savings, and so on, and the increase in wealth and security makes it more likely that consumers will spend money on goods and services.
Davis and Schwartz said in their prepared remarks that federal homeland security money spent since the 2001 terror attacks has benefited Boston, and they urged Congress not to reduce that spending.
The new legislation directs the Treasury Department to borrow money to pay bondholders and make sure Social Security is solvent.
"We can shortchange critical needs, such as strengthening homeland security, or we can raid the Social Security surplus and borrow money to pay for them, " he said.
Security and focused on money laundering and other financial crimes, built an air-tight case against nearly a dozen Con Ed supervisors and former employees involved in a kickback scheme.
There were no real doubts the conservatives would be defeated and lawmakers would turn to the legislation, which would expand background checks to more gun buyers, toughen penalties against illicit firearms sales and offer slightly more money for school security.
Many seniors have plenty of money to spend including Medicare dollars, and Social Security and pension benefits.