He called for" fundamental change of the test before any more money is wasted and any more people are hurt".
Ask them how much of their time and money is wasted arguing with health insurance company representatives whose sole job is to turn down a requested procedure so that they will not have to pay for the same.
FORBES: GOP Returns To 'Death Panels' Narrative In Desperate Effort To Change The Medicare Story
In order for the public to know that money is not wasted, two things are needed.
The money is often wasted, for example on billiard tables, barbecues and, in one case, defibrillators.
Budget hawks are saying that billions in taxpayer money is being wasted.
Baicker stops short of saying the extra money is entirely wasted.
But if a CIO is not implementing at least some of the capabilities described in this model, you can bet a significant amount of money is being wasted.
FORBES: Evaluating Energy Management Maturity: A Checklist for CIOs
Accordingly, while returning to earmarks may mean a return to wasteful spending of taxpayer money on projects that bring no benefit to the nation as a whole, it could also mean saving even more money than is wasted by avoiding the financial setbacks that come with endless debt ceiling debacles and fiscal cliff fumbles.
FORBES: Why Congress Cannot Operate Without The Bribing Power Of Earmarks
Too much money is still being wasted on unrealistic investment-banking ambitions.
So it seems that a trillion euro is a lot of money after all because it is basically being wasted.
But it fears the money could be wasted if it is not underpinned by sustained future investment.
He, however, agreed that "across the country certainly there has been some money wasted which the government is right to look at very hard".
The danger is that a lot of money may be wasted as investors chase technologies that turn out, in the long run, to be too costly or impractical.
To show that this is not wasted, there is the figleaf of market discipline: a slug of private money is supposed to ensure that hard-nosed capitalists have enough of a stake to stop the government overpaying.
He is the first to admit that measuring the right thing is not easy, and he has wasted money by measuring the wrong things.
ECONOMIST: The lessons of philanthropy: Giving for results | The
This has its own dangers: public education in Brazil is badly run and needs to be reformed before it is showered with money, or else much will be wasted.
And although the money spent on abstinence will probably be wasted, it is only one-fifteenth of the total and if its failure is manifest, then there will be pressure for change.
My point is let's be honest with the public, what I want to do is stop all the deceit that's going on, that somehow what they're getting can simply be achieved and improvement can be achieved by simply saying here's a budget that will give you more money, we know that an awful lot of what they spend is wasted.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Interview with Iain Duncan Smith MP, Conservative Party leader
One obvious danger is that, when the money does get spent, more could be wasted.
And people understand government is not all the answer, and if they see taxpayer money wasted, that makes them angry.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Skills for American Workers
Any money that the Fund might give to the Dominican Republic in the next few months is likely to be wasted on pre-election spending.
ECONOMIST: An incompetent government and a tricky choice for the IMF