Detouring around the stock storm on Wall Street, people have sought refuge in the money market.
Bank of America said Wednesday it is still considering options for its money market funds group.
All five of these companies now yield more than the 0.5% average yield of money market funds.
We discounted the earnings improvements back to 1994, using a rate keyed to money market yields.
In a rational world there would be no such thing as a nondiversified money market account.
Last year Americans increased their financial assets--checking accounts, money market funds, mutual funds, IRAs, etc.
Mr. WILL ASTON-REESE(ph): (Vice President, Money Market Sales, Tradition Asiel Securities): I'm very scared.
The next 40 pages explains some basic investments, like bonds, commercial paper and money market funds.
Much better yielding, and probably safer: a money market fund offered by the broker.
Then the participants would have four choices--among three balanced funds and a money market account.
Money should be direct-deposited from your paycheck to a money market or interest-bearing savings account.
With average money market rates under 1 percent, inflation over 3 percent is a serious problem.
Now 52, he pioneered a way of turning industrial development bonds into tax-exempt money market funds.
It's helped out money market funds who were crucial to the inner workings of the economy.
Do you want the convenience of a Schwab money market fund to hold your uninvested cash?
All of the other banks, the hedge funds, money market funds and so on.
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In addition, many money market funds and corporate treasuries held Auction Rate Preferred Securities (ARPS).
Typically, companies might invest in money market mutual funds, interest-bearing deposits, U.S. treasuries, etc.
This puts retirees in a bind as money market rates are too low to live on.
This may make it even more difficult for money market investors to keep pace with inflation.
Even the inflation hawks at the U.S. Federal Reserve Board want to ease money market rates.
But money market funds would probably enjoy somewhat higher yields as interest rates rise.
All that would accomplish would be to transfer the bank balance to the money market fund.
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In the early eighties my friend, William Donoghue wrote The Complete Money Market Guide.
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Neither of these messages from the bond market is cheery news for money market accounts.
One is that money market rates have farther to fall, following short-term Treasury rates down.
Back then, the factor we cited was the pending demise of money market funds.
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We discounted the earnings improvements back to 1992, using a rate keyed to money market yields.
"The money market took a big hiccup, and that delayed me getting the financing, " Edra explains.
Meanwhile, net earnings from Merrill Lynch Investment Managers slipped 23% as money market balances fell.