In a rational world there would be no such thing as a nondiversified money market account.
Then the participants would have four choices--among three balanced funds and a money market account.
Ford Money Market Account is a direct obligation of Ford Motor Credit Co.
Investors closing an equity account outright are as likely as not to open a new bond fund or money market account.
One recent case: In New Jersey a financial planner named Thomas Swarts promised clients 14% returns in a "special money market account" he knew of.
Putting those dollars into a high interest savings or money market account instead could pay for a small vacation or a great holiday splurge.
When investors are earning 2% or 3% in a money market account, even small annual fees can eat up a substantial chunk of the profit.
If an investor is generating a 3% return in their money market account, but inflation is humming along at 4%, the investor is essentially losing purchasing power each year.
My mind began racing, calculating the returns I was forgoing by keeping my savings in a money market account rather than handing them to Sam who could deliver twice as much!
As retirement approaches, you can start putting more of your savings dollars directly into a online savings account, build a CD ladder or get a money market account for your nest egg.
But with the average rate on a savings account at 0.24 percent, on a money market account at 0.22 percent, and on a 1-year CD at 0.53 percent, nominal returns are close to zero, and real returns are negative even at relatively low rates of inflation.
And he wrote in to Morning Edition to say he's less than five years from retirement and he's got a 100, 000-dollar nest egg invested right now, in a seemingly safe money-market account.
In most 401(k) plans, to move money from a stable-value account into a money-market fund or short-term bond fund, plan participants have to be invested in a riskier option for at least 90 days.
As we set aside a certain amount every month for our housing goal, should we put it in a traditional savings account with our local bank or should we invest it in a money market, CD, or online savings account?
Instead, try to build up an emergency fund covering at least three to six months of expenses (ideally six to twelve) and keep it somewhere safe and accessible like a savings account or money market fund.
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Money should be direct-deposited from your paycheck to a money market or interest-bearing savings account.
But if, like most of us, you hold your nest egg in a savings account, a money market fund, real estate, or a 401(k) plan then what you care about is your real rate of return, not the inflation rate per se.
But if you have less than five years before your kid sits down to freshman composition, a risk-free certificate of deposit, money market fund or even a traditional savings account is a better bet.
This is often a hard concept to sell because most consumers have been conditioned to think of savings as the near-zero-percent account at the bank or money market funds and CDs.
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If you are interested in automatic recurring transfers from your checking account, be sure to research money market accounts as well as high-yield savings accounts to see what type has the best terms and options for your banking needs.
It would do the overall system no good for a corporation with a big TAG account to (say) move its money to a money market fund.
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For example, a "single account" is one account category that includes deposits in checking, savings accounts, money market deposit accounts and time deposits such as certificates of deposit (CDs).
If you want to be absolutely, 100 percent safe, and you want to not make quite as much as you would make in a money market mutual fund, you would put in, like, in a bank savings account.
ETFs account for more than 13% of all mutual fund assets (excluding money market funds), and assets have more than doubled since 2008, according to Michael Rawson, ETF analyst at Morningstar.
Jerry Brown, president of Thorograph, a New York-based firm that provides data and thoroughbred consulting to owners, breeders, and bettors, says the main issue is that the breeder market rewards big, good-looking yearlings that sell for a lot of money, without taking into account their sturdiness.
"We have carried out extensive research into the current account market and the findings tell us that customers want simplicity, transparency and good value for money, " said Nick Kennett, director of financial services at the Post Office.