The debtor used the money to buy resources and used them up.
This extra money was used to push up asset, rather than consumer, prices.
ECONOMIST: The link between exchange rates and asset markets
The opposition are adamant that, if taxpayers' money is used to prop up a bank and to continue loans to legitimate borrowers, then investors must be made to share the pain.
Icelandic banks then used the money to buy up every pricier assets around the world.
The UDF has been in the forefront of attempts to impeach Mr Mutharika over accusations that he used state money to set up his party and other charges of going against the constitution.
The bank has used up all the money it had allocated to fund the record low-rate deal.
The money will also be used to beef up mental health services, to help combat the post-traumatic stress that many in the city are still experiencing eight months after Hurricane Katrina.
Part of the problem is that banks have used their own money to push up their stock prices by engaging in risky lending to corporations and individuals who invest in the banks' own shares.
But, even if the fund is set up and oil money is used for it, there is still plenty to spend on weapons.
But Elisaveta Omarkhajieva, head of the Ingush Red Crescent, says that more and more Ingush families are coming to her office for help, explaining that they having used up their food and money looking after their uninvited guests.
Seventy percent of the dollars printed end up being used as transaction money overseas.
When the client fails to respond as directed, Deutch terminates the client and keeps his money, claiming that the retainer has been used up.
In 1997, a financier with links to the Mafia alleged to magistrates in Sicily that Mr Berlusconi had used 20 billion lire of Mafia money to build up his television interests.
In addition to purchasing the land, the trust said the money would also be used to create paths, open up views of the river and produce interpretation material, as well as fund ongoing maintenance.
The money left over after the purchase will be used to clean up and renovate the property.
The programme money (up to 10bn Euros) will not be used to recapitalise Laiki and Bank of Cyprus.
FORBES: Links 25 March: Sense In Cyprus, How To Deal With Both Deposit Insurance And Moral Hazard
The reason is that, when you sign up for a Commuter Account, the money used to pay for those expenses comes right out of your paycheck before Uncle Sam takes his share, so you are not taxed on those dollars.
FORBES: Are High Gas Prices Leaving You "Gas"-ping for Relief?
China and Indonesia are the two biggest borrowers. (At the May meeting, China expressed concern about the new thrust's heavier funding requirements and the de-emphasis on aid to speed up economic growth.) ADF money is used exclusively by the poorest member-countries, including Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.
Some of the money will also be used to pay off their next winding-up order which they are expected to face on 17 November.
He did not go into any great detail, but the money would presumably be saved in some way and used to clean up after future crises.
It used to be that American and European money flowed outward, gobbling up stakes in firms and brands in developing economies.
As long as the central bank has been pouring money into the financial system, which has then been used to prop up zombie companies, this has not been a worry.
As the banks who sold on these mortgages were not putting up their own money as collateral, they no longer used their own in-house bank managers to assess the income of their borrowers and check the real value of the house they were giving a mortgage on.
Even the lack of money can be used to control others (See how much I am giving up to be with you?).
FORBES: How Being A Control Freak About Money Blocks Intimacy
The money will be used to upgrade tracks in the northeast so Acela trains can run up to 160 miles per hour on some New Jersey and Pennsylvania tracks (it now rarely exceeds 70 miles per hour), and build a new spur through Queens, so Boston-bound trains can travel on separate tracks from New York commuter trains.
BBC: The futurist: Putting the choo-choo back in Chattanooga
Money that could be used to pay down a mortgage might instead be used to build up a liquid reserve of funds for emergencies.
If you plan to give grandchildren substantial amounts, it makes sense to pay a lawyer to draw up a trust with restrictions on how and when that money can be used.
Helen Armstrong-Bland, Tom's mother, has set up a fund to help with the search, hoping any money raised could be used for flights for the family to Thailand.
After Labour swept to power a couple of years later nine Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) were set up across England with their own budgets so decisions on how the money could be used to drive growth could be business-led and local.