• Four hundred years ago, a fabulously wealthy arms dealer and moneylender named Thomas Sutton was approaching death.

    BBC: The quietest corner of London

  • Out of desperation and with the help of her relatives, Silvia managed to pay the money to the moneylender eventually.

    FORBES: Mexico Entrepreneur: 'I'm Not Frightened Anymore'

  • "They were worse than any moneylender on the street, " he snorts.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The most enterprising types in Bleak House are in the law profession, like the sinister solicitor Mr. Tulkinghorn and the unctuous law clerk Guppy, or are reptilian misers, like Krook the landlord and Smallweed the moneylender.

    FORBES: Does Your Life Seem Like A Charles Dickens Novel?

  • No moneylender in his right mind would, at any rate of interest, advance a sufficient sum to buy the necessary items for each daughter: beds, a dresser, trunks, electric fans, dishes, six suits of clothes for the groom, six for the bride, perhaps a television, and on and on and on.

    NEWYORKER: Nawabdin Electrician

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