Earthquakes, typhoons and monsoon rains cause yearly damage, and not just in Yushan National Park.
For much of that morning I led a charmed life: monsoon-squalls sliding by to east and west.
For starters, it was monsoon season, and this meant even more power outages and traffic hassles than usual.
White-water rafting is possible year round, except during monsoon season from June to August.
Far below us ran the Tamsa River, milky and swollen from the recent monsoon.
In just weeks the monsoon season will flood several IDP sites, intensifying the humanitarian emergency.
Most worryingly, farm growth is at a below 2% and a below-normal monsoon has been forecast.
The monsoon rains of the past month will help draw some of the criticism's sting.
Instead they were studying monsoon effects in Mexico and air pollution in New Hampshire.
But in early October, monsoon rains triggered the worst flooding Thailand has seen in decades.
This year, there has been a monsoon of tears well before the tournament's last weekend.
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We have not seen the economic growth that should have materialized following an excellent monsoon.
The particles are also said to have an impact on rainfall patterns in the Asian monsoon.
India receives 80% of its annual rainfall during the summer monsoon between June and September.
The fury of a single monsoon cloudburst can precipitate enough water to overflow river banks.
Further evidence of a 60-year cycle is referenced in ancient Sanskrit texts among observed monsoon rainfall cycles.
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Continuing heavy monsoon rains will add to the challenges faced by the recovery in the coming days.
"This is typical pre-monsoon weather, " said a senior Pune-based weather official of the state-run India Meteorological Department.
Monsoon rains are crucial for the farm sector as more than 60% of India's farmland is rainfed.
During the ongoing monsoon session, there are some 29 pending bills for consideration and passing into laws.
These "bursts" and "breaks" in the monsoon cause floods and droughts that impact agriculture, river systems and infrastructure.
Monsoon rains are critical for India and other South Asian countries as most of the farmlands are rain-fed.
So far, all indications are of a normal monsoon over South Asia region this year, the official added.
The massive monsoon floods in Thailand have shut down over 14, 000 factories as well as displaced many residents.
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GDP, and last year's good monsoon was responsible for as much as 3.5% of that thumping growth figure.
This monsoon holds the promise of some reprieve for a certain section of the city's 19 million residents.
Reasons for the slack demand include perceived high gold prices and a poor monsoon season depressing consumer demand.
The people who planned this pop-up city had to wait until the monsoon receded to assess the banks.
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Only in the monsoon season would they construct temporary huts from pandanus leaves, repair their boats and wait out the rain.
Nearly a quarter of India was hit by drought last year due to the late arrival of monsoon rains.