Now some monks are using their moral authority to serve a quite different end.
This gave him the moral authority throughout our company that no mere title can ever bestow.
The Fellowship works inside the halo of moral authority of the only authentic Biblical Samaritans.
FORBES: To Bring True Peace To The Middle East, Women In Palestine And Israel Must Take Center Stage
But the moral authority of the man and his method kept its hold on the masses.
With his credibility crumbling, says Mr Margalit, he has no more moral authority to lead.
Possibly Mr Lieberman is right in arguing that the president can reclaim his moral authority.
His moral authority continues to dictate the path we should take towards peace and development.
The U.S.-Cuba deal isn't the first time Francis has used his moral authority to try to broker international truces.
At all other times the minister for culture, Pramod Navalkar, is the reigning moral authority in Maharashtra.
Representative CHRISTOPHER SHAYS (Republican, Connecticut): I happen to believe we're losing our moral authority to lead this place.
Like Jim Michaels, Peale was a small man with a rock-quarry voice and the moral authority of Moses.
It shows us how political authority can be justified but only by accepting that moral authority limits it.
What about U.S. moral authority to dissuade other goverments from meddling in their markets or indulging industrial policy?
The most prominent is Johannes Rau, who, as Germany's president, is the highest moral authority in the land.
It gives you moral authority when you think or talk about an issue.
Or was he more more directly culpable, as the leader who had final legal and moral authority in Japan?
He is using the moral authority of his re-election to push his case.
His ability of mobilizing the masses was due more to his moral authority than to the understanding of his proposals.
What he presumably meant to say was that the news organizations diminished the moral authority of their gripes by refusing the meeting.
The culmination of the civil-rights movement in 1964-65 established its moral authority.
It is plainly time for clear-sightedness, diplomatic finesse and the exercise of the sort of moral authority that comes with ungrudging respect.
Respect must be earned -- and in our time it can be earned only if a great power's attributes include moral authority.
There simply must be some source of moral authority in the world.
The task force will need moral authority, as much as international law, to extend its reach beyond its own members and sister groups.
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Besides, if it looked obvious that Hellenic intransigence had wrecked the deal, the Greeks (in Athens and Nicosia) would see their moral authority collapse.
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Observers say Leghari, known as the PPP's "Mr. Clean, " is increasingly using his post and moral authority to direct the government on key issues.
If we do there will be new momentum and moral authority to our leadership in reducing even more the dangers of weapons of mass destruction.
He believes that the PM now has the moral authority to go to the Lib Dem leader and make the case that parliament wants this bill.
The world's richest nation, one that presumes to great moral authority, cannot simply make worthy appeals to conscience and call on others to carry the burden.
Islam is an important and valuable source of moral authority and can be a powerful drive for social engagement and reform if it is neither misused nor marginalized.