Surely, by all moral rights, this money belonged to the artist sculpting the Senator Dorgan statue in Fargo, N.
Lucky for us, American visual artists have a law, the Visual Artist Rights Act (VARA), which grants moral rights to visual artists.
FORBES: Banksy Mural Chiseled Off Building, About To Be Sold At Auction For $700,000
Lots of things are important when it comes to stock performance, and unfortunately a rather disturbingly high number of them are generally ignored by most investment analysts: religion (yes, religion), fertility, ethical corruption, moral corruption, property rights, soundness of currency, debt, tax progressivity, and size of government (which is another topic on which Mr. Mauldin has become a little muddled: more on this later).
The Cuban artist's posters will also be displayed throughout central Cardiff, while visitors to the exhibition at the National Museum of Art will be invited to sign a 'moral commitment contract' promoting immigrants' rights.
But Burke later modified those remarks, saying he believes that if Roman Catholics are voting for a candidate for a different reason from abortion rights and believe the candidate supports other moral issues more important than abortion, they may vote for that candidate.
The culmination of the civil-rights movement in 1964-65 established its moral authority.
Conservatives like to contrast what they see as a Confucian stress on social harmony and moral rectitude with the West's emphasis on individual rights.
Family life, as Hoggart understood, thus provides a basis for a form of social responsibility that extends beyond contractual rights and obligations to a sense of shared moral and affective commitments.
Sunday's forum, which will be held at Messiah College in Grantham, Pennsylvania, will allow each candidate to speak for 40 minutes on various moral issues, including poverty, global AIDS, climate change and human rights.
CNN: Commentary: Democrats finally getting religion on religion
Moral conservatives on the right of the party have savaged pro-abortion-rights candidates in primary battles, sometimes even resorting to lawsuits.
The Times followed this up with a column by the human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson, headed 'Protecting sources is a legal and moral duty'.
But the upside surprises of creativity require a low entropy environment of predictable property rights, taxes and other business laws ultimately based on trust in a moral order.