There are already more than a billion people, more than 240 billion photos and more than a trillion connections.
The figures also showed those actively seeking work for more than a year made up more than a sixth of the total people out of work.
BBC: Jersey unemployment reaches 'highest level for decades'
He was more than a four-time Cabinet secretary, more than a Knight of the English Empire knighted by Queen Elizabeth, more, too, than Ronald Reagan's secretary of defense.
The difficulty, officials said, is that adding encryption to a network that is more than a decade old involves more than placing a new piece of equipment on individual drones.
The average price of a detached property is now 113% more than for a flat and 107% more than a terraced home, compared with 82% and 67% respectively five years ago.
Also on the rear plate, you'll find a fingerprint scanner for a touch more security than a simple PIN provides (and a lot more than the gimmicky face unlock).
ENGADGET: Fujitsu Arrows X F-02E hands-on: a powerhouse flagship with a 1080p display
We know more than a few preschoolers who seem more adept at technology than their still-trying-to-figure-out-the-VCR parents, but if for no other reason than the flashy colors, we think more than a few kids might dig Fisher-Price's new Kid-Tough digital camera and "FP3" player.
ENGADGET: Fisher-Price unveils Kid-Tough camera and music player
The share price is more than 17% lower than a month ago but still more than 25% higher than a year ago.
Without both, limited government will be nothing more than a tea party slogan and a balanced budget will be nothing more than a tax-increase trap.
More than just a church, more than just a sports program - shrouded in glory and mystery and hope.
FORBES: Understanding the Outrage at Penn State Over the Firing of Joe Paterno
She was more than just a mother, more than just a comforter.
Because in the two months since Newtown, more than a thousand birthdays, graduations, anniversaries have been stolen from our lives by a bullet from a gun - more than a thousand.
But if all you can find is a 110-volt outlet, getting anything more than a few miles' worth of power will take more than half a day.
More than a couple of stocks have gone up on little more than a weakly-sourced rumor that a famed investor was buying or looking to buy.
Because in the two months since Newtown, more than a thousand birthdays, graduations, anniversaries have been stolen from our lives by a bullet from a gun -- more than a thousand.
The 41-year-old German took over from Nico Rosberg with about an hour and a half of the Valencia session remaining, and ended up posting a time more than a second faster than his younger teammate.
In his career, the 72-year-old Icahn has served on more than a dozen boards, some of which he remained on for more than a decade.
One of the most troubling aspects of the unemployment picture in the U.S. today is the fact that more than 4 million Americans have been out of work for more than a year, and more than 2 million have been jobless for more than 99 weeks, which means their jobless benefits have run out.
Simple concept: If you make more than a million dollars a year -- not that you have a million dollars -- if you make more than a million dollars annually, then you should pay at least the same percentage of your income in taxes as middle-class families do.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the Associated Press Luncheon
By the end of 2004 there were 55m union members in non-state-owned enterprises, 35% more than a year earlier and a more than fourfold increase compared with the late 1990s.
About a dozen more than a few will pony up for a Facebook smartphone that includes more than Facebook.
Although people expect to enjoy driving a BMW more than a Ford Escort, research shows that drivers get no more pleasure from commuting in an expensive car than a cheap one.
The worst of that news, though admittedly forecast by some analysts, is that the US launch for the Z10 will only come in mid-March, more than a month after its debut in Canada and the UK -- and more than a month after BlackBerry's big marketing bet on a Super Bowl ad.
ENGADGET: Editorial: BlackBerry 10, the waiting and the damage done
Mobile Communications App, Tango has grown to more than 30 million active users in in a little more than a year.
FORBES: Watch Out Skype...Tango Projects 100 Million Users In 2012
He said the Apple's code of conduct allows for no more than 60 hours a week -- 20 more hours than a typical week for American workers.
It must be said that at present, the store contains a narrow assortment of little more than a hundred apps, and more than half of them are games.
FORBES: Windows 8 Killed The Start Menu, But A Startup Named Pokki Brought It Back
The D90 is gaining on the iPhone 3G in usage share, and so is the iPhone 4. iPhone 3G owners upload about a thousand more photos a day than D90 owners, but there are 12 million more images on flickr that came from a D90 than from an iPhone. (43.6 million vs. 31 million).
The recommendation is therefore no more than two drinks a day for a man, and no more than one for a woman, slightly less than current UK government guidelines.
Mahathir's lengthy talk, more a lecture than a speech, was received in relative silence.
Without measurement of the details, your global business plan is more a dream than a tool for hitting goals.