They are acting more like their developed country counterparts.
As the first of its kind, the company said the Delabole local tariff was its "blueprint" and would be replicated across the country as it developed more wind farms.
Because it is located in built-up west London, Heathrow already makes more people miserable than just about any other big developed-country airport.
Yet 1969 is three decades ago, and it should be a source of dismay if this country, which is far more modern, developed and prosperous than Indonesia, remains so unstable that opposition rallies are considered fearsome threats to security and that one year of economic downturn releases unbearable tensions.
The sect, formed more than a year ago, has developed a following across the country and in neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo.
Real estate prices in upscale beachfront property in Rio de Janeiro, for example, is more expensive than it is in Miami, a city in a developed country with all the bells and whistles.
My own experience suggests that China does take the environment seriously, and in a number of areas, the country is actually well ahead of those in the more developed parts of the world.
The State Council also pointed to a big wealth gap between the urban and rural regions and vowed to provide more fiscal support for the less developed central and western regions of the country.
Right now there is a paradox: We spend more than any industrialized country, but our health is fair to middling among other developed nations.
Now, the United States, as a highly developed country, as I said before, per capita, consumes much more energy and emits much more greenhouse gases for each individual than does China.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds Town Hall with Chinese Youth
King claims that in the last eight years more than 60 million people have visited BBH-developed exhibits, which travel around the country and the world to venues like the Smithsonian Institution and the Science Place in Dallas.
Identical twins Chandra and Leigh Watson have developed a style of sweet, soulful indie-folk that does more than nod to alt-country influences.