In Montenegro, Magyar was charged with paying officials to help secure more favourable contracts.
Media coverage of America has become more favourable as it focuses on the 2008 election.
Grant also claimed the referee might have been more favourable to Stoke after missing Piquionne's apparent handball.
ISAs is more favourable than for long-term savings, then the success of stakeholder pensions could be jeopardised.
"More favourable weather conditions in recent months indicate improved prospects for the agriculture industry in 2003-04, " the statistical office said.
For that it largely blames the government and is duly arguing for a more favourable regulatory regime.
The use of the net rate captures the generally more favourable tax treatment of pensioners than of workers.
For instance, companies with no rating at all get more favourable treatment than those with a low rating.
ECONOMIST: It is time for a more radical approach to banking regulation
He also said his government had renegotiated more favourable loans terms with Russia.
Thanks to Mr Ryan, they can shift the fight onto more favourable territory.
They do so in a context somewhat more favourable to military intervention than seemed likely even a few weeks ago.
ECONOMIST: President Bush says debate on Iraq can finally begin
Some of the pyramid problems could be avoided if developed-world pension schemes invested in those emerging markets with more favourable demographic trends.
ECONOMIST: The retired are always supported by their children
But conditions in the past few years have been much more favourable.
Instead investors should stand up to managers, negotiate more favourable terms and put their money into smaller funds, which tend to perform better.
But the dividend will be paid not just in the form of more favourable dependency ratios but also in a more entrepreneurial business culture.
ECONOMIST: Emerging markets are teeming with young entrepreneurs
This would set a dangerous precedent and encourage other members states to try to renegotiate more favourable deals from their standpoints, Mr Krichbaum said.
BBC: German MPs warn UK EU exit would be 'economic disaster'
Given the UK's more favourable economic position, "any eventual slowdown here will be less severe than in the US", said Jonathan Loynes at Capital Economics.
Four-Kings also came in for criticism for its tactical play which saw it lose in one round to set up a more favourable encounter later.
This would arise if they failed to reveal the benefits they have derived from loans provided on more favourable terms than those available from commercial lenders.
ECONOMIST: Embarrassing new details about loans are revealed
One symptom is that the housing market remains strong, and households have taken advantage of lower interest rates to refinance their mortgages on more favourable terms.
He added that it was disappointing that his review was not published or commented on by the previous government when the financial climate was more favourable.
McClaren will have been perturbed to see the synthetic surface being heavily watered before kick-off, a move clearly designed to make conditions more favourable for Hiddink's side.
One reason buybacks are so popular in America is that, for investors in the highest tax bracket, capital gains are taxed at more favourable rates than dividends.
Glacier retreat is the prevalent pattern of the Andes, but the contemporary state of alpine glaciers in the Argentine sector of Patagonia seems to be relatively more favourable.
The Treasury also hopes that by channelling more money into what's known as capital spending as opposed to current spending, this can create a more favourable economic environment.
Some countries, such as Sweden and Australia, emerge relatively unscathed from the model, partly because of more favourable demographics but also because they have restructured their pension systems.
ECONOMIST: Demography and public finance: Relegation ahead | The
In a rare move, the NFL also asked for a review, even though it had won, hoping that the highest court might grant it an even more favourable ruling.
But he denied any suggestion that the first minister's support had been connected to more favourable coverage for Mr Salmond and the SNP in newspapers such as the Scottish Sun.
The yen has lost about 20% of its value against the US dollar since October, helping Japanese firms to convert overseas profits back into yen at a more favourable rate.
However, he said that the alliance's submission, backed by independent evidence, showed that rather than being a cruel practice, hunting was actually more favourable that other methods of culling foxes.