More intriguingly, people worry about the drain that big projects have put on public finances.
More intriguingly, the Kill A Watt meter will also tell you how much electricity you are wasting unwittingly.
ECONOMIST: The much-talked-of smart grid prepares to enter the home
More intriguingly, Apple hinted it will offer new details on how it plans to synch up its iPhone with big businesses.
And perhaps more intriguingly: would Microsoft, maybe, been better off if it had been carved into two as the government originally wanted.
More intriguingly, if you look elsewhere, there are hints that the electorate may be changing in ways that could help McCain Republicanism further.
Even more intriguingly, nerve cells in the colons of Parkinson's sufferers who are constipated contain structural abnormalities known as Lewy bodies, which are a hallmark of the affected brain tissue in people with Parkinson's.
More intriguingly, however, Jung sits on the board of General Electric, which owns 80% of NBC Universal--that could help ease the slap fight between Apple and NBC over online video sales (a point blog Valleywag first pointed out).
More intriguingly, however, Jung sits on the board of General Electric (nyse: GE - news - people ), which owns 80% of NBC Universal--that could help ease the slap fight between Apple and NBC over online video sales (a point blog Valleywag first pointed out).
More intriguingly, an experiment carried out in 2004 by Brian Hare, then at Harvard and now of Duke University in North Carolina, suggested that natural selection in the context of domestication had boosted dogs' intelligence, too, by allowing them to understand human behaviour in a way that their ancestors, wolves, cannot.
Perhaps most intriguingly, the more religious a liberal teenager claimed to be, the more he was willing to confront his parents with dissenting beliefs.
Plans for spending and taxing more can be made to look drearily left-wing rather than intriguingly progressive.
Intriguingly, value-house Vanguard would leave the Muchmores with a bit more than Schultz in growth stocks--a good 15%.
Intriguingly, even the apparently disastrous collapse of Glaxo-SmithKline hints that managers might be behaving more like shareholders.