• Hollande is expected to be a bit more open-minded on Turkey, Flanagan said.

    CNN: Early foreign policy tests await France's Hollande

  • The pair were brighter, bouncier, more open-minded, more outgoing, more attractive than anything the Soviet Union had, at that level, previously produced.

    ECONOMIST: Raisa Gorbachev

  • The current chief justice, Bagir Manan, successfully lobbied parliament for the power to appoint non-career judges, who are considered more open-minded and less corrupt.

    ECONOMIST: Pervasive corruption is bad for business

  • Optimists see him as representative of a group of younger, more open-minded generals who may be more ready to take the army out of politics.

    ECONOMIST: A survey of Indonesia

  • Everybody has become a bit more open-minded about their decision.

    BBC: Pietersen praises collective move

  • The party chief of Guangdong province in the south, Wang Yang, who is another (non-princeling) contender for the Politburo's standing committee, is widely seen as a bit more open-minded.

    ECONOMIST: China's new rulers

  • One is more open-minded and one is more reserved.

    BBC: How a Chinese journalist took on a top official

  • Lastly, Washington, having strengthened the hand of China's conservatives, may have to soften its demands in areas such as WTO accession if it does not want to see the more open-minded, pro-reform elements in Beijing further undermined.


  • The members with the greatest misgivings are elderly, often ill-educated generals who spent their heyday fighting America and the capitalist south during the Vietnam war, but they are gradually being supplanted by younger, more open-minded and better-schooled civilians.

    ECONOMIST: Reform is coming to a still-cautious Vietnam

  • We do not have data to back that up, but given the myriad ways in which someone might arrive at the decision (and time) to apply to college, institutions are generally more open-minded about pathways they make take, which include gap years.

    FORBES: Take a Gap Year, With Your College's Blessing

  • Lana is much more open-minded.

    NEWYORKER: Beyond the Matrix

  • The report is expected to mirror one released by the Republican National Committee last month, which concluded that the party must be more open-minded and do more outreach to Hispanics, African-Americans, women and young voters if they are to be successful in future elections.

    NPR: Ill. GOP Chairman Survives Latest Ouster Attempt

  • Furthermore, she believes there are many similarities between Christianity's Jesus and Islam's Mohammed: They were both open-minded, helped the weak, overcame personal struggles and far more besides.


  • But he also said that he expects rules like these to fade as the players continue to become more and more independent, and as teams that have few rules, like the Rays under open-minded manager Joe Maddon, enjoy sustained success.

    WSJ: Yankees: No Beards��And That's Final

  • Living with parents, however open-minded they are, does tend to make you behave a bit more demurely with friends of the other sex.

    ECONOMIST: Why Italians don��t make babies

  • What is more, vendors themselves increasingly favour open standards as a defensive strategy to neutralise the power of proprietary-minded competitors.

    ECONOMIST: High-tech companies

  • The Scottish government is open-minded about including a second question on the ballot paper, asking people if they want more powers for the Holyrood parliament, short of independence.

    BBC: Scottish independence: David Cameron in referendum offer

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