More plausibly, Pakistani intelligence officials accuse India of fanning a burgeoning nationalist insurgency in Baluchistan.
More plausibly, venture capitalists with a reputation for successfully nurturing start-ups may be offered better opportunities.
The doubters still suspect Mr Netanyahu of making the right noises now only in order more plausibly to put the blame on the Palestinians if the talks fizzle out.
More plausibly, exactly 40 years since he was first elected to public office, he is guided less by conviction than by a desire to keep the social peace and avoid confrontation.
He argues more plausibly that al-Qaeda was held at bay by counter-actions, including the eviction of Osama bin Laden from Afghanistan, enhanced homeland security and the vigorous gathering of intelligence, including legally questionable surveillance at home.
More plausibly, the jobs shed in 2009 are still trickling back as consultant and freelance gigs for people who are now responsible for the full 12.4% payroll tax nut and health insurance on top of the income tax.
Over the years, various aristocrats, cousins and horse-racing grandees have been more or less plausibly identified as her friends.
On the other, they can plausibly distance themselves from the more underhand attacks on their opponents.
Had they not, there might have been more casualties. (The government, plausibly, says 13 people were killed by rioters, mostly in fires.) Some of those who remained, in flats above their shops, kept the lights off to avoid detection and spoke in hushed tones lest their Mandarin dialect be heard on the streets by Tibetans.
Even the ones that might plausibly be described as high-tech strike some investors more as high-risk.
And Shell plausibly argues that Alaska's melting ice will make its operations more difficult to plan by forcing it to prepare for a wider range of conditions.
Patriots can plausibly argue that most people have plenty of space to live as individuals and value stability more than rights and freedoms: the Arab spring, after all, had few echoes in China.