Secondly, Cisco Extended Memory technology allows each blade server in a cluster to support more than twice as much memory as a conventional two-socket server, which makes it easier to construct grids that process terabytes of data in memory.
The Hewlett-Packard scientist behind the project, Phil Kuekes, said his next step would be to build a 16-bit memory chip in a tiny square--no more than 100 billionths of a meter inside.
The new iPad will have more memory and a higher resolution display than either Xbox 360 or Playstation 3.
FORBES: Apple, Steam Pad, and the New Wave of Game Development
More than any election in recent memory, it is a choice about two fundamentally different paths for our country.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at Campaign Event -- Stamford, CT
Three had suffered from mild cognitive impairment - a more severe form of memory loss than that associated with ageing but less severe than Alzheimer's.
Equipped with 2GB flash memory, it can hold more than a thousand of books and its capacity can be easily expanded just by adding a MicroSD card.
ENGADGET: Acer's 6-inch LumiRead to offer Barnes and Noble ebooks, ISBN scanner
If you have to have your memory refreshed with your report more than a couple of times (or at all in a simple case), cannot articulate your methods of investigation, use an inordinate number of vocalized pauses, allow yourself to get flustered, or just generally look like a dunce, the defense attorney has successfully tacked you on a cross.
FORBES: Q: What are some cultural faux pas in police departments?
More than any other election in recent memory, this is a choice between two fundamentally different visions of this country and the path that we have to take.
But more than that, Apple has been disengaging from Samsung as a flash memory supplier, even as a screens supplier.
"People who are more likely to purchase a product show significantly higher memory encoding than those who are less likely, " explains Richard Silberstein, a neuroscientist with the Brain Sciences Institute at the Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia.
More than 4, 500 people joined a Facebook group set up in Jade's memory.
Binge drinking twice a month more than doubles cognitive function decline (147%), and memory decline could increase more than fivefold (149%), according to Lang's study.
Alone Yet Together contained 100 fish suspended in formaldehyde in separate perspex cabinets, while Loss of Memory is Worse than Death is a steel cage encasing more formaldehyde containers.
Sadly, an 8-year-old boy was among three killed and more than 170 wounded in Monday's blasts in Boston, and a group ran in memory of the Sandy Hook schoolhouse shootings in Connecticut.
The iOS 6 makes the phone into a Mac-in-your-hand with more processing power and memory than previous versions.
FORBES: Apple's New iPhone Could Be Tall, Thin And Beautiful
The end result for Edge is a third-generation Intel Core processor, NVIDIA GeForce graphics and more memory than any other tablet currently on the market.
We believe that Apple could charge a recurring fee for this service and will likely offer much more available memory than competitors since its users have much larger libraries of music, movies and photos.
FORBES: iCloud Could Quadruple Market For Apple Devices By Ditching PC, Analysts Say
You can get it by mail order, but a recent trip to various expat Brit outlets in New York yielded what was to me more like a somewhat velvety cream cheese spread than the soupier, clottier Double Devonshire clotted cream of memory.
The company expects sales to chip foundries to be down more than 50% sequentially in the October quarter, with a 35%-40% pullback from memory customers, and a better than 20% drop in demand from logic customers.
FORBES: Applied Materials CFO Says Outlook Hit By Macro Issues
If you can't get your noggin around the concepts, know the potential: a new type of memory that will be cheaper, faster, and more efficient than current RAM, while also having the flash-like ability to retain data without power.
ENGADGET: IBM's prototype STT MRAM device spins your bits right round, baby, right round
Applied CFO George Davis told me last week that the company sees sales to chip foundries down more than 50% sequentially in the October quarter, with a 35%-40% pullback from memory customers, and a better than 20% drop in demand from logic customers.
FORBES: Woe Mount For Chip Equipment Firms; Ultra Clean Warns
The tablet phenomenon in the world today is bigger than the size of its memory chip, more awe-inspiring than the speed of its processor it is a wonder of our time, and in an ever more connected and computerized world, it may be the perfect tool for the industrious, creative, modern human.
In sum, this mountain of data -- more than 350 gigabytes worth, not including the streaming audio and video -- is a replica of Bell's biological memory.
New York (CNN) -- Broadway's bright glow will dim for a moment on Wednesday in memory of the late Marvin Hamlisch, a prolific American composer who died this week after a more than four-decade long career that spanned film, music, television and theater.