When the United States prepared to attack al Qaeda in Afghanistan, Putin offered more than words of support.
But on this Memorial Day, as on every day, we are called to honor their ultimate sacrifice with more than words.
Ill always love all four of them more than words can describe.
BBC: Lowestoft deaths: Mother made pledge to keep children safe
Cooder doesn't really need to sing all the time, because his slide guitar has the wondrous ability to say more than words can.
Instead they captivate listeners with their instrumentation more than words.
Care workers from a hospice 20 miles away, the South Coast Hospice in Port Shepstone, down on the coast, visit her when they can, bringing little more than words of comfort and support.
But sooner rather than later, the EU will have to deliver more than just words.
But Thursday's summit will have to work out what - more than just words - can and cannot be done.
Simply put, the 10-40 rule states that the first ten slides of your presentation should contain no more than forty words.
Most people learn from hands on demonstration more than from words alone.
The study, which polled 1, 011 U.S. tablet users in June, found that typing large documents (more than 500 words) was the chief frustration among respondents, netting a 44% response.
After traveling between Paris and New York for two years, I went to Italy for the fashion season, unable to speak more than four words of the language, including grazie.
WSJ: Chef Carla Hall on Learning to Love Food in Italy | Traveler's Tale
Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, a Democratic mayoral candidate, said strengthening the middle class requires "more than lofty words" and he criticized Ms. Quinn for hurting working New Yorkers, citing her opposition to requiring employers to pay workers for sick days.
"That such views exist in the heart of the Tory cabinet provides yet more evidence of how out of touch the Tories are with modern Britain, and how David Cameron's claim to have changed his party is, like so many of his promises, nothing more than empty words, " the Labour MP said.
This led them to a related finding: The words that manage to be born now become more popular than new words used to get, possibly because they describe something genuinely new (think "iPod, " "Internet, " "Twitter").
Americans spend more than 7 billion hours each year in a hopeless effort to figure out how to deal with more than 7 million words of tax law and regulation.
FORBES: Do The Lawyers Who Write The Tax Code Benefit From Making It Complex?
What that translates to: Romney squeezed more than 30 extra words into every minute he spoke.
FORBES: Why it Seemed Like Romney Had More to Say Than Obama: He Did
Others post Twitpics and Instagram photos showing their bizarre or garbled messages, some of which are more gibberish than actual words.
Their love soon dissolves, though why is a complete mystery to us, since they never say more than a few words to each other.
The yearly total amounts to somewhat more than all the words ever spoken by human beings--and it was up 68% from two years earlier.
With so many buying into the inflationary scenario, Fed actions will carry more weight than its words as we move forward and that could pose a danger.
FORBES: The Federal Reserve Stirs Poltergeist Of Hyperinflation, Weimar Collapse
Better yet, Quick Note can handle more than just typed words, with items such as images and audio attachments also being able to be added and saved.
"Rather than more warm words, what people want is for the government to trust the professionals and put people back at the heart of the NHS, " he said.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Push for 'personalised' services
The program detects the topic of a text and on that basis applies particular metrics to determine, say, if numbers are more important than descriptive words, and extracts critical sentences accordingly.
In this case, a picture (of the camera body) tells far more than a thousand words -- this radical build is a bit tricky to explain, but we'll do our best.