In the upset that did in fact occur by midsummer, U.S. mortgage debt was only the start.
Its households are loaded down with mortgage debt, a legacy of its long housing boom.
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Mortgage debt is good debt, so long as the interest payments are tax deductible.
Holdings include U.S. Treasuries, Federal National Mortgage Association debt, and Federal Home Loan Mortgage debt.
Among 65- to 74-year-olds, about 40% have mortgage debt, almost double the figure in 1989.
This means that, unlike in for example Spain, Germany has not experienced a mortgage debt-fuelled property bubble.
The number of hedge funds focusing on mortgage debt ballooned along with the underlying market in 2005-06.
Could this boom also end in tears, leaving households with homes worth less than their mortgage debt?
Bottom-fishers such as GE Capital have entered the market for high-risk mortgage debt.
Legal changes, such as a revision to the bankruptcy code that allowed judges to reduce mortgage debt, could help.
Mortgage debt, student loan debt, credit card debt, auto loans, et cetera.
Not only have home prices and mortgage debt surged relative to incomes, but most mortgages are at variable interest rates.
But Bank of America reported a decline in quarterly profits after it took another financial hit on bad mortgage debt.
One example: Congress passed a law allowing beleaguered homeowners to exclude from taxable income home-mortgage debt that is forgiven by lenders.
Most of the debt that is being eliminated is mortgage debt and most of it is eliminated by default and foreclosure.
That way, companies like Citigroup will be less likely to become immersed in bad mortgage debt the way they are now.
It stuffs the monthly account statements with encouragement to take out car loans as well as home-equity loans and other mortgage debt.
Adjust risk RROR to include the additional financial risk of mortgage debt.
Paying off mortgage debt means that consumers are spending less and businesses are making less and jobs are harder to come by.
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Many analysts, including the rating agencies that gave the mortgage debt high ratings, also badly miscalculated the impact of the mortgage crisis.
News earlier this week that a third Bear Stearns hedge fund, laden with mortgage debt, might be faltering raised even more concerns about the company.
They pay off both the interest and mortgage debt each month - and are not dependent on the vagaries of the stock market.
The synthetic lease allowed Inktomi to keep the mortgage debt off its balance sheet, even though for tax purposes it owned the building.
Bank of America has reported a big fall in quarterly profits after it had to take another financial hit on bad mortgage debt.
Wednesday, when the House Financial Services Committee hauls in Paulson and Bernanke, expect the hearing to focus on executive compensation and mortgage debt relief.
The mortgage industry plunged into distress this summer as more borrowers missed payments on their home loans and investors soured on risky mortgage debt.
On that foundation of ownership is built a huge edifice of capital that includes trillions of dollars in mortgage debt and real estate equity.
On that foundation of ownership is built a huge edifice of capital that includes trillions of dollars in mortgage debt and trillions in real estate equity.
Investment banks have been suffering from heavy write-offs from subprime mortgage debt and their falling stock prices have made it harder for them to raise money.
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That includes a huge stake in the fund managed by John Paulson, famous for his successful bets against subprime mortgage debt during the financial crisis.