How strange to be apparently proud of the condition, rather than mortified by it.
French designers were mortified -- such a quintessentially Gallic symbol in the hands of a foreigner.
She would (and will) be mortified by the use of her diaries by the defence.
Speaking about the letter Mrs Thompson told Mr Justice Tugendhart: "I was absolutely mortified".
Maybe he was just so mortified that he just shut down and was paralyzed.
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Looking back, Tories should be mortified by their slowness in taking New Labour seriously.
Mr. GOLDSMITH: On the one hand, they were really mortified of not doing enough to prevent an attack.
He would be mortified if he thought that he'd done anything like that.
Ford nevertheless is certainly mortified at the current state of the company and will have some serious convincing to do.
He said he was "mortified" when he heard the 20 Song album was sold rather than a "child friendly CD".
Watching him and the other women in the dance floor, " 'Oh, my God, ' I thought, genuinely mortified for him, " Madison wrote.
The result left the crowd unhappy and Massa mortified as they initially believed the Ferrari driver had taken the crown.
Ms Smith, a mother of five, said she was "absolutely devastated" about the fire and was mortified when she was arrested.
The high society of Los Angeles was outraged, and Mrs Sterling mortified.
Garland received a cut of the thumb, was afterwards made an out-patient of the infirmary, but the wound mortified, produced lock-jaw, and death ensued.
Some Labour firebrands are mortified by this studied show of legalism.
"I was thinking, God, if I had to sit there all day and have a million people pass me and stare, I'd be mortified, " says Donnelly.
His latest girlfriend must have mortified Ko's family because his mother reportedly flew over from Korea to try to break up the relationship, to no avail.
Dr Weston visits him nightly through the week it takes him to die, not knowing what to say, mortified by her uselessness as a doctor and companion.
Friends and colleague Rachael Beaumont, described in court how Mrs Esack had been left "mortified" by the news her husband was having an affair with a man.
We are mortified by what happened, but confident that these changes to our processes and structure will significantly improve our internal privacy and security practices for the benefit of all our users.
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Do not confuse this with the seriously inconvenient condition known to the world as buck teeth (without which we would have no orthodontists, and no mortified adolescents with mouthfuls of rubber bands and wire braces).
For example, when Keynes pivoted to a protectionist stance on trade in 1933, he was mortified to receive a congratulatory letter from Oswald Mosley, who had founded the British Union of Fascists the previous year.
Mortified at seeing a fisherman slicing open a sturgeon and throwing away the roe, the princess explained they were a prized delicacy in Russia and sent an expert to teach the locals how to make caviar.
On the other hand, the bank's chairman and chief executive, Jamie Dimon, is utterly mortified that he allowed the loss to grow and grow, under his nose, and in spite of warnings in the media that one of the bank's London-based trading desks, home of the famous Whale, was engaging in huge and potentially risky transactions.